unicef hq transfer acct

<> The Ground Floor contains office and residential lobbies, employee dining rooms, a retail shop, and a large exhibition space which opens onto a small public park. Partner with organizations and entities committed to the core values of UNICEF and the UN, as well as to humanitarian principles. ~jPu$G:Xp&@59)3/X)86)rxbI'z q* % dM\FlAuAQ-t%3%BT=1TAa:+cd(n@X !8/\XF? The evaluation was designed as a cluster-randomized controlled trial in rural Zambia across 90 communities. The headquarters of UNICEF includes residential apartments in upper floors, convertible to office space should a future need for expansion arises. The separate Inter-American Court of Human Rights is an autonomous judicial institution based in the city of San Jos, Costa Rica. Receive the latest research and event invites in your inbox once a month. Complementary analysis suggests that self-assessed relative poverty (as measured by comparison to other households in the community) is a more important mediator of program effects on happiness than absolute poverty (as measured by household consumption expenditures). Evidence from an unconditional cash transfer in Zambia, Can unconditional cash transfers raise long-term living standards? UNICEF works day-in day-outinthe worlds toughest placesto reach the most vulnerable and disadvantagedchildren. UNICEF seeks to maintain sustained engagement at all levels with the Mission to maximize the Missions contribution to creating an enabling environment for humanitarian access, while maintaining an operational distance where necessary to minimize the risks for UNICEFs adherence to the humanitarian principles and for staff security. UNICEF UNICEF Representative a.i fmcasey@unicef.org 0302772524, 0552558218 Mr. Fiachra McAsey has served as UNICEF Deputy Representative in Ghana since July 2018. The SSOPs are undergoing a comprehensive review with a view to developing new emergency procedures for all crises with certain provisions for L2 and L3 emergencies in line with the CCCs and Humanitarian Review. Find out what the UN in Liberia is doing towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. UNICEF Lebanon is looking for a Construction Engineer to support in monitoring all construction activities in the Country Office and to provide technical support on managing construction and rehabilitation activities. Explore UNICEF's work in over 190 countries and territories. R9u~SM=9 BRF&}4lEHPq0Vk Provide neutral and impartial humanitarian assistance based on impartial needs assessments. UNICEF programmes are designed to avoid creating or exacerbating conflict and insecurity for affected populations; exacerbating existing disparities or perpetuating discrimination; creating or exacerbating environmental degradation. UNICEF South Africa: Bank Name: Nedbank Account Number: 1497216230 Branch Code: 160445 Branch Name: Nedbank Pretoria Corporate Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ Address: UNICEF South Africa: 659 Pienaar Street, Brooklyn, 0181, P.O. This activity or course is open to self-enrolment. when contributing to the SMTs evaluation of the potential impacts of using armed escorts. Section, UNICEF Headquarters), and Argelia Vazquez (National Institute of Public Health, Mexico). | Erfahren Sie mehr ber die . response that takes into account the needs of all children. Results are presented to national stakeholders, and regional workshops allow for cross-country learning and capacity building. Want to change the world? clarifies that while humanitarian action can support peace consolidation, its main purpose remains to address life-saving needs and alleviating suffering. 2008/24 Integration, 2008; United Nations Secretary-General, UN Policy on Integrated Assessment and Planning, 2013; Integrated Assessment and Planning (IAP) Working Group, Integrated Assessment and Planning Handbook, 2013. Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia. Can an unconditional cash transfer significantly boost household resilience? Accordingly, most humanitarian operations are likely to remain outside the scope of integration, which can, at times, challenge the ability of UN humanitarian actors to deliver according to humanitarian principles. endobj PMR - Planning, Monitoring, ReportingPMT -Programme Management TeamPMTCT -Prevention of mother-to-child transmissionPO -Purchase OrderPPD -Public Partnerships Division (UNICEF HQ)PPE -Personal Protective Equipment OR Property, Plant and EquipmentPPP -Purchasing Power ParityPPPX -Programme Policy and Procedure Site (this Site)PPTCT -Prevention of Parent-to-Child TransmissionPRQ -Purchase RequisitionPQS -Product Quality StandardsPRA -Participatory Rapid AssessmentPRC- Partnership Review CommitteePRIME- Planning for Research, Implementation, Monitoring, and EvaluationPRP-Partner Reporting PortalPSE -Private Sector EngagementPSP -Private Sector PlanPRS(P) -Poverty Reduction Strategy (Paper)PSB -Property Survey BoardPSEA -Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse / Protection Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse / Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and AbusePSFR -Program specific funding requirementORPrivate Sector FundraisingPSN -Program Strategy NotePSS -Psychosocial SupportPSV -Peer Support VolunteerPTG -Plan de Travail GlissantPTR -Plan de Travail Roulant, QCPR -Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy ReviewQOC -Quality of Care, RA -Result Area (Strategic Plan)RAM -Results Assessment ModuleRAPS -Risk Analysis and Preparedness Section, EMOPSRBB -Results-Based BudgetingRBM -Results Based ManagementRRBM -Rights and Results Based ManagementRC -Resident CoordinatorRCT -Randomized Control TrialRCCE -Risk Communication and Community EngagementRD -Regional DirectorREC -Reaching Every ChildRED -Reaching Every DistrictRFP -Request For ProposalRFPS -Request for Proposal for ServicesRFQ -Request For QuotationRF -Regulatory FrameworkRFL -Regulatory Framework LibraryRFT -Rural Female TeachersRM -Resource MobilizationRMNCH -Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child HealthRMT -Regional Management TeamRPC -Regional Planning ChiefRO -Regional OfficeROAR -Regional Office Annual ReportROMP -Regional Office Management PlanROSA -Regional Office of South AsiaRR -Regular ResourcesORRapid ResponseRRF -Results and Resources FrameworkRRP -Refugee Response PlanORRegional Refugee PlanRRT -Rapid Response TeamRSA -Regional Staff AssociationRTE -Real-time EvaluationRUTF -Ready-to-use Therapeutic FoodsRWP -Rolling Work Plan, S4B -Skype for BusinessSAARC -South Asian Association for Regional CooperationSADC -Southern African Development CommunitySAI -Supreme Audit InstitutionSAM -Severe acute malnutritionSAP -Systems Applications and ProductsSAR -South Asia RegionSBC -Social and Behavior ChangeSBCC -Social and Behavior Change CommunicationSBP -Stand-by PartnersSARS -Severe acute respiratory syndromeSD -Supply DivisionSDGs -Sustainable Development GoalsSDMX -Statistical Data and Metadata eXchangeSEA -Sexual Exploitation and AbuseSFA -Strategic Framework AgreementSGB -Secretary General BulletinSHARE -Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for EquitySIC -Specific Intervention CodesSitAn -Situation Analysis of Children's RightsSitRep -Situation ReportSIWI -Stockholm International Water InstituteSLA -Service Level AgreementsSM -Senior ManagementORStaff MemberSMART -Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and TransitionSMQ -Strategic Monitoring QuestionsSMR -Strategic Moment of ReflectionSMS -Safely Managed SanitationSMT -Senior Management TeamORSecurity Management TeamSRH -Sexual and reproductive healthSRHR -sexual and reproductive health and rightsSRSP -sock responsive social protectionSSWG -Social Science Working GroupSOP -Standard Operating ProceduresSoD -Segregation of DutiesSP -Strategic PlanORSocial PolicyORSharePointSPIMR -Strategic Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, and Reporting, section in DAPMSPPME -Social Policy, Planning, Monitoring, and EvaluationSRA -Strategic Results AreasSSA -Special Service AgreementSSC -South South CooperationSSFA -Small Scale Funding AgreementSTEM -Science, Technology, Engineering, and MathematicsSTL -Safe to LearnSWA -Sanitation and Water for AllSWAp -Sector Wide ApproachSWM -Solid Waste Management, TA -Temporary AssignmentORTechnical AssistanceORTravel AuthorizationT4D -Technology for DevelopmentTCA -Targeted Country AssistanceTET -Technical Emergency TeamToC -Theory of ChangeTMI -Talent Management InitiativeTMS -Talent Management SystemTOR -Terms of ReferenceTPM -Third Party MonitoringTRT -Technical Review TeamToA -Table of AuthorityToR -Terms of ReferenceToT -Training of Trainers, UASC -Unaccompanied and Separated ChildrenUDHR -Universal Declaration of Human RightsUNAIDS -Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDSUNBOA -United Nations Board of AuditorsUNCCS -United Nations Common Cash SystemUNCITRAL -United Nations Commission on International Trade LawUNCoLSC -UN Commission on Life-Saving CommoditiesUNCT -United Nations Country TeamUNCTAD -United Nations Conference on Trade and DevelopmentUNDAF -United Nations Development Assistance FrameworkUNDAF-AP -UNDAF Action PlanUNDAP -United Nations Development Assistance PlanUNDG -United Nations Development GroupUNDP -United Nations Development ProgrammeUNDSS -United Nations Department for Safety and SecurityUNEP -United Nations Environment ProgrammeUNESCO -United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationUNFPA -United Nations Population FundUN-Habitat-United Nations Human Settlements ProgrammeUNHCR -Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesUNICEF -United Nations Childrens FundUNIDO -United Nations Industrial Development OrganizationUNIFEM -United Nations Development Fund for Women [transferred to UN-Women]UNGEI -United Nations Girls' Education InitiativeUNLP -UN Laissez-Passer (UN passport)UNOCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsUNODC -United Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeUN-OHCHR -Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsUNOPS -United Nations Office for Project ServicesUNPP -UN Partner PortalUNRISD -United Nations Research Institute for Social DevelopmentUNRWA -United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near EastUNSCEB -UN System Chief Executives Board UNSDCF -UN Sustainable Development Cooperation FrameworkUNSDG -UN Sustainable Development GroupUNSSC -UN System Staff CollegeUNU -United Nations UniversityUNV -United Nations Volunteers ProgrammeUN-Women- United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of WomenUNWTO -World Tourism OrganizationUPU -Universal Postal UnionUSAID -United States Agency for International DevelopmentUSG -Under-Secretary-GeneralUSL -Uncertified Sick LeaveUT, UTC -Universal Time, Universal Time CoordinatedUXB -Unexploded BombsUXO -Unexploded Ordnance, VAC -Violence Against childrenVAT -Value added taxVAW -Violence Against WomenVfM -Value for MoneyVHND -Village Health & Nutrition DayVHW -Village Health WorkerVISION -Virtual Integrated System of InformationVLA -Volunteer Living AllowanceVSLA/G -Village Savings and Loans Association/Group, WAHO -West African Health OrganizationWASH -Water, Sanitation and HygieneWASH BAT -WASH Bottleneck Analysis ToolWB -World BankWBS -Work Breakdown StructureWCAR -West and Central Africa RegionWCARO -West and Central Africa Regional OfficeWFFC -World Fit For Children (Declaration and Plan of Action)WFP -World Food ProgrammeWHO -World Health OrganizationWICR -Walk-in Cold-RoomWIPO -World Intellectual Property OrganizationWiS -WASH in Schools (programme)WG -Working GroupWMO -World Meteorological OrganizationWSC -World Summit for ChildrenWSP -Water Safety PlanningORWorld Bank Water and Sanitation ProgramWSUP -Water and Sanitation for the Urban PoorWTO -World Trade OrganizationWWN -Water Waste Network, XDR-TB -extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. UNICEF Global Headquarters, New York Kurtis Cooper Communication Specialist +1 212 824 6575 (O); +1 917 476 1435 (M) Joe English Communication Specialist +1 212 303 7984 (O); +1 917 893 0692 (M) Georgina Diallo Communication Specialist +1 917 265 4524 (O); +1 917 238 1559 (M) H elen Wylie Communication Specialist +1 917 244 2215 (M) On 20 March 2020, new emergency procedures were developed for COVID-19 building on the existing L3 SSOPs, as well as new COVID-19 specific guidance. UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child in 190 countries and territories, with a special focus on reaching those in greatest need. Our answer to both these questions is affirmative. <> Where NSAs control specific territories or affected populations, or operate as de-facto local authorities, engaging with these may be critical to delivering on UNICEFs mandate and ensuring fulfilment of the CCCs. and a whole-of-organisation accountability that includes active leadership by UNICEF senior management, a survivor-centred approach and contributions from all UNICEF programme and operations. Learn more aboutCatherine Russell, who became UNICEF's 8th Executive Director on 1 February 2022. Build the capacity of security professionals and managers with security responsibilities on generating acceptance, assessing the degree of acceptance and integrating acceptance in the Security Risk Management process. This page aims to serve as acomprehensive guide toacronyms and abbreviations commonly used today in UNICEF and the larger UN system. The analysis shows that when targeting children, school feeding programmes are a particularly efficient policy in that they concentrate public funds exclusively on the consumption of highly nutritious foods, while cash transfers can be used by households for other purposes. Abstract. It includes considerations on UNICEF comparative advantage and its strategic positioning on, The course is structured around three modules that allow participants to progressively gain a more practical and field, Claire Mariani, Chief, Humanitarian Cash Transfer Unit, Social Policy, Programme Group , UNICEF - for every child (opens in a new window). UNICEFs emergency procedures set out a streamlined mechanism for organisation-wide mobilisation to support the timely delivery of humanitarian response. A multi-country research initiative on evaluating the impact of national cash transfer programs in sub-Saharan Africa. Read about UNICEF and the Sustainable Development Goals. SDGs. In recent years, food security has worsened in some parts of the world, including sub-Saharan Africa. But that's yesterday's problem. This page aims to serve as a comprehensive guide to acronyms and abbreviations commonly used today in UNICEF and the larger UN system. Sexual violence against women and girls is widespread globally. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments. Transfer money abroad easily and quickly with our low cost money transfers. Engage in coordination mechanisms to establish and maintain principled humanitarian access, in collaboration with UN Agencies, national and local authorities and CSOs, within existing coordination mechanisms such as the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), the Security Management Team (SMT), and the intersector/intercluster coordination mechanisms. and each Country Offices - commitment to respond, regardless of the kind of crisis (sudden-onset or protracted emergencies, natural disasters, public health emergencies, complex emergencies, international or internal armed conflicts, etc. This course covers the fundamentals on Humanitarian Cash Transfers (HCT). Read our report on the State of the Worlds Children, and understand the challenges facing the world's poor and isolated children. Please see the account information below. See 2.2.4 Linking humanitarian and development. Location: Lebanon. It works for children's rights, their survival, development, and protection. Provide UNICEF staff with the basic concepts and implementation consideration required to consider the use of HCT in a humanitarian response. To defend their rights. The course is structured around three modules that allow participants to progressively gain a more practical and fieldimplementation orientedunderstanding of HCTs. In 2016, approximately 815 million people were chronically undernourished globally. Work with UNICEF. Application of Humanitarian Principles in UNICEF operations. Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about UNICEF. [10], IASC Non-Binding Guidelines on the Use of Armed Escorts for Humanitarian Convoys, UN Policy on Integrated Assessment and Planning, 2.3 Sectoral commitments (key considerations on advocacy), Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability, Education in Emergencies Minimum Standards, Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. UK account number, Euro IBAN, US routing number, and more. New York, NY 10017 USA Phone: (+)1-212-326-7000 Fax: (+)1-212-888-7465; (+)1-212-888-7454 E-Mail: Content related questions:Claire Mariani, Chief, Humanitarian Cash Transfer Unit, Social Policy, Programme Group cmariani@unicef.org. Learn about UNICEF, our partners and the people who join with us to fight for the rights of every child. It provides a first introduction to what are HCT, and how UNICEF uses them in a humanitarian response as an implementation modality across sectors. About. If a legal provision is open to more than one interpretation, the interpretation which most effectively serves the childs best interest should be chosen. Key activities In Zimbabwe, latest estimates show that about 45% of the total population are undernourished1. supports well-managed risk-taking and mitigating strategies. International transfers may also require a swift code: Swift Code: ANZBNZ22 If you do not know your donor ID, please get in touch by calling us on 0800 243 575 or email us at support@unicef.org.nz with the following information and we will confirm your donor ID for you: Your name (or organisation's name) This paper examines the impact of the United Republic of Tanzanias Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN) on child work and education. The world's largest provider of vaccines, we support child health and nutrition, safe water and sanitation, quality education and skill building, HIV prevention and treatment for mothers and babies, and the protection of children and adolescents from violence and exploitation. This includes greenhouse gas emissions, environmental pollution, intoxicants and waste. endobj Our work on the Sustainable Development Goals. UNICEF works to identify, monitor and address existing and new patterns of discrimination and power dynamics. At HQ level, UNICEF has provided significant intellectual support to the mechanics of UN reform-related policies and practices and UNICEF has been the main driver for the adoption of human rights approaches. Each chapter starts with learning objectives and ended with summary. All UNICEF personnel (staff and non-staff), including consultants, individual contractors, stand-by personnel, UN volunteers, interns and other persons who work for UNICEF under an individual contract are required to complete PSEA training, and have an obligation to promptly report allegations of SEA. The Chile Solidario programme is an avant garde conditional cash transfer (CCT) in the Latin American context, introducing innovative features aimed at addressing specifically the multidimensional nature of poverty. Utilize acceptance as a security risk management approach that can support humanitarian access. Find out how UNICEF drives change for children and young people. Ensure that UNICEF field presence and operations allow for adequate identification and response to the needs of affected populations, including those in hard-to-reach areas. UNICEF is the world's largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. This activity or course is open to self-enrolment. If you start playing on a different Xbox account (or on a different platform) you would be starting over from the beginning. Do these programs raise long-term living standards? Say hello to Wise, the clever new way to move your money. More information on where UNICEF works:www.unicef.org/where-we-work, UN Photo/UNICEF/Marco Dormino UN Photo/UNICEF/Marco Dormino, UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe, Creative Community Outreach Initiative (CCOI), Humanitarian Agencies that Operate in the Field, Maintaining International Peace and Security. During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, thousands of Ukrainian children have been abducted, deported, and forcibly adopted to the Russian Federation.The United Nations has declared that allegations are "credible", and that Russian forces have sent Ukrainian children to Russia for adoption as part of a large scale program. UNICEF has established clear accountability and systems to ensure that all UNICEF personnel and all sectors of the organisation at global, regional, country and local level are empowered and held accountable for the fulfilment of the CCCs. Box 4884, Pretoria 0001, South Africa Telephone Number: +27 (0)12 425 4700 Email: pretoria@unicef.org As wecontinueto build this page, in case we missed one, you can help usbycontacting transparency@unicef.org. Human rights-based approach: UNICEF is committed to addressing inequalities and disparities in the design, implementation and monitoring of its programmes, and to ensuring that its humanitarian action is provided without discrimination of any kind. are the core UNICEF policy and frameworkfor humanitarian action. UNICEF is driven by five core values care, respect, integrity, trust and accountability. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments. At the household level we find that the programme has a significant impact on lifting families out of extreme poverty and that it does not have disincentive effects on labour market participation. . This includes: Representing UNICEF in the region; establishing and maintaining the highest level of contacts and effective relationships with regional partners, including UN and national partners, intergovernmental organisations, international financial institutions, NGOs and civil society; and leveraging strategic partnerships for humanitarian action, Conducting regional advocacy and supporting country level advocacy to protect the rights of children, promote adherence to international laws and standards, facilitate principled humanitarian access and the delivery of programmes, and promote child-friendly policies and practices, Monitoring regional risks and defining regional strategies and plans for preparedness and emergency response; reviewing and guiding COs on their risk assessment and management, Providing guidance and direct support to COs on their preparedness and emergency response, resources, budget, fundraising and use of emergency procedures, Leveraging regional partnerships for emergency preparedness and response; establishing alliances with donors and mobilising multi-year and flexible resources on behalf of COs, Monitoring the effectiveness of UNICEF country emergency response and the efficient use of country programme resources with a view to improving country programme performance, Monitoring effective human resources management within the region; ensuring the availability of technical staff within the RO, facilitating the short-term deployment of staff as needed and assisting in staff redeployment in emergency situations; developing and implementing regional communication, information and advocacy strategies, Establishing logistics and supply operations and hubs, Providing support to COs on staff safety, security and counselling, Informing the development of global norms and policies based on regional experience, Facilitating cross-learning between COs within the region and across regions. Humanitarian principles guide UNICEF action in every context, conflict-affected or not. How do I donate via bank transfer? Quasi-experimental Evidence from East and Southern Africa, Why Assist People Living in Poverty? UNICEF takes measures to deliver its humanitarian action in a manner that minimises harm to the environment. All UNICEF personnel, all sectors and offices of UNICEF at global, regional, country and local level are responsible for the fulfilment of the CCCs. Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICs). We apply a well-known resilience index developed by the FAO to data from a cash transfer evaluation in Malawi to address two key questions: Is the FAO index a valid measure of resilience? COs are responsible for the effective and principled delivery of UNICEF humanitarian action at country level. Ensure respect for humanitarian principles throughout the targeting and prioritization processes, especially in determining service locations and targeting methods. After three years, household spending is on average 67 percent larger than the value of the transfer received, implying a sizeable multiplier effect, which works through increased non-farm activity and agricultural production. Languages UNCF is the nation's largest private scholarship provider to minority group members. Tender Alert Service (TAS) The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), originally known as the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, was created by the United Nations General Assembly on 11. These are accessible publicly and free of charge on UNGM. Welcome To UNICEF, if you need to reset your password Click here for more information. LHD Procedure)LMICs -Low and Middle Income CountriesLTA -long term agreement, M4R -Monitoring for ResultsMAP -Monitoring Action PlanMAPS -Mainstreaming Acceleration Policy Support (for the SDGs)M&E -Monitoring and EvaluationMEB -Minimum Expenditure BasketMENA -Middle East and North Africa RegionMENARO -Middle East and North Africa Regional OfficeMBS -Market-based SanitationMCP -Multi Country ProgrammeMCV -measles-containing vaccineMDAs -Ministerial Department AgenciesMDGs -Millennium Development GoalsMDM -Master Data ManagementMDTF -Multi-Donor Trust FundMHH -Menstrual Health and HygieneMHPSS -Mental health and psychosocial supportMHM -menstrual hygiene managementMICS -Multiple Indicator Cluster SurveyMIP -Medical Insurance PlanMIRA -Multi-Cluster Initial Rapid AssessmentMMR -Maternal Mortality RatioMNCH -Maternal, newborn and child healthMNO- Mobile Network OperatorMNT -Maternal and Neonatal TetanusMoE -Ministry of EducationMoH -Ministry of HealthMOPAN -Multilateral Organization Performance Assessment NetworkMoRES -Monitoring Results for Equity SystemsMOSS -Minimum Operational Security StandardsMoU -Memorandum of understandingMPA -Minimum Preparedness ActionMPDSR -Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and ResponseMPS -Minimum Package of ServicesMR -Measles and RubellaMS -Member State(s)MSDCF -Multi-country Sustainable Development FrameworkMSF -Mdecins Sans FrontiresM-SMOSS -Monitoring safely managed onsite sanitation services projectMTMR -Mid-Term Management ReviewMTSR -Mid-Term Strategic ReflectionMTR -Mid-Term ReviewMTSP -Medium-term strategic planMUAC -mid-upper-arm circumference, NATO -North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationNCDs -non-communicable diseasesNCHS -National Child Health StatisticsNDA -Nationally Designated AuthorityNDB -New Development BankNEET -not in employment, education or trainingNEPAD -New Partnership for Africa's DevelopmentNFC-No-Fault CompensationNFE -Non-formal educationNFI -Non-Food ItemNfR -Note for the RecordNGO -Non-governmental organizationNETI -New & Emerging Talent InitiativeNO -National OfficerNPO -National Professional OfficerNRA -National Regulatory AgencyNRC -Norwegian Refugee CouncilNSAs -Non-State ActorsNSE -Non-State EntityNSO -National Statistical OfficeNTDs -Neglected Tropical DiseasesNUVI -New and underutilized vaccinesNYHQ -New York Headquarters (UNICEF), OAS -Organization of American StatesOAU -Organization of African Unity (now African Union)OCHA -The UN Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsODA -Official Development AssistanceODF -Open Defecation FreeOED -Office of the Executive DirectorOECD -Organization for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentOECD-DAC -Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Development Assistance CommitteeOECS -Organisation of Eastern Caribbean StatesOGIP -the Office of Global Insight and PolicyOHCHR -Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsOHRLLS -Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing StatesOI -Organizational ImprovementOIAI -Office of Internal Audit and InvestigationsOIC -Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly Organization of the Islamic Conference)OROfficer in ChargeOIF -International Organization of la FrancophonieOIOS -Office of Internal Oversight ServicesOMP -Office Management PlanOMT -Office Management TeamOoC -Office of the ComptrollerOoI -Office of InnovationOoO -Out of OfficeOoR -Office of ResearchOOSC -Out-of-school childrenOPCW -Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical WeaponsOPEC -Organization of the Petroleum Exporting CountriesOPV -Oral Polio VaccineOR -Other ResourcesORC -Oral Rehydration CentresORE -Other Resources (Emergency)ORR -Other Resources (Regular)ORS -Oral Rehydration SaltsOSCE -Organization for Security and Cooperation in EuropeOSEB -Office of the Secretariat of the Executive Board (UNICEF)OSH -Occupational Safety and Health, PAHO -Pan American Health OrganizationPAR -Participatory Action ResearchPBA -Programme Budget AllotmentPBR -Programme and Budget ReviewPCA -Programme Cooperation AgreementPCN -Project Concept NotesPCV -Pneumococcal Conjugate VaccinePD -Programme Division OR Programme DocumentPDDO -Programme Division Director's OfficePDNA -Post-Disaster Needs AssessmentPDR -Prevent/Detect/RespondPEF -Partners Engagement FrameworkPEP -Post-Exposure ProphylaxisPER - Performance Evaluation ReportPFP -Private Fundraising and Partnerships (UNICEF Geneva)PG -Programme Group (Formerly PD, HQ)PHC -Primary Health CarePHIA -Public Health Impact AssessmentPIDB -Programme Information DatabasePIMAS -Programme Information Management and Administrative ServicesPIP -Performance Improvement PlanPLM -Pregnant and Lactating womenPME -Planning monitoring and evaluationPMP -Partnership Management Portal Greenhouse gas emissions, environmental pollution, intoxicants and waste national Institute of Public Health Mexico! 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