burger king ceo killed himself

searchParams, In case you arent familiar with 3G Capital, here are some of the bigger bullet points: Needless to say, they like big, old American staples and arent fucking around. He stopped it at Continental Airlines in the '90s when he and the then CEO Gordon Bethune ended 16 straight years of losses by getting carrier employees focused on its Super Fan: the business traveler. Winner BK. var hp_interval = 0; Are you a human? [email-submission-form button-text="Join Free" include-trends-opt-in="true" success-url="https://thehustle.co/new-thank-you-v2/" default-source="thehustleco" default-medium="home-exit-popup" default-campaign="home-page" form-id="exit-popup-general" optinmonster-conversion="true"],