Each kill is worth 5 rep with Gadgetzan, and there's a repeatable quest from the water they drop that gives extra rep and experience. Mobs will root you and use earthgrab totems. Holy shield is a huge boost to grinding, just spam it whenever the cooldown is up. Scourge Siege Engineers, 58-62 . [54] [Skullflame Shield]: Expensive but has both a lifestealing and AOE flamestrike effect, along with terrific armor and block. Allys also need to keep an eye out so they don't blink into the nearby Horde camp. Privacy Policy. Raptors are best as they travel in packs and are higher level. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. You could also start at level 35 taking 1 talent from Reckoning if desired. Arathi Highlands A protection paladin with for example skinning and enchanting can farm a ton of unique gold farms. Warpwood Treants, 54-59 Guide to Prot Spec Leveling and AoE grinding locations, AoE Grinding Guide; Complete list of all known grinding locations up to level 85. So i took my time to take every post i found about aoe grinding on mmowned and post them in 1 threat and add pictures, loot, cords and some comment's if needed. Zf gy it is, I'll look up some info on it. Some of the mobs can teleport behind you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4_7TG5YAVY. In fact, the more hitting you, the more effective it is. Just watch out for the other faction doing their quests if on a PVP server, it can be a busy area. Occasionally tosses out mushrooms. Then they say "you just need figurine and dabaris", which will be difficult to obtain without being 70 or having 4 people carry you. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Avoid the casters. Open world gold farms are incredibly competitive at least on high population surveys. AoE leveling is the fastest way of reaching level 70, as you can kill many enemies at once. With WotLK out, Paladins have received several new great buffs for AoE grinding. Lots of ranged mobs. :). Western Plaguelands - Dalson's Tears Hillsbrad Foothills ?1:03:40 Partial Block Proc!1:06:31 Ensure Partial Block1:07:51 Shield Ranking1:11:16 Skullflame Shield1:14:45 Conclusion_Websites I'm affiliated with:https://classicwow.live/https://classichc.net/-Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/graysfordaysDiscord: https://discord.gg/5aufHK2 Can root you, but you'll either be far away or ready to blink out of it. About 20 murlocs scattered in 3 spots really close to one another. Although I feel that this weapon could easily be replaced with a green item with higher stamina. Blade's Edge Mountains - Death's Door You could also start at level 35 taking 1 talent from [Reckoning] if desired. 3 sergio_fcg 2 yr. ago Level 51+: There are still many good talents to pick up in the Protection tree, the most useful ones being [Shield of the Templar] and [Hammer of the Righteous]. Western Plaguelands - Sorrow Hill Information given here is also useful in power leveling other characters, though with a far larger number of mobs at a lower level. The question is, is there anything out there I can aoe grind as a prot pally that drops anything worth selling? 2. Paladins can obtain experience and money very quickly this way. Careful not to aggro Netharel!! Eradicators can heal. Deadwood Village Starving Bog Lords & Starving Fungal Giants will occasionally walk in on the western border, so watch out for them. You can buy Ez-thro Dynamite to use without engineering. Improved Devotion Aura might look tempting, but remember that you'll only be using Retribution Aura for your grinding, so it is no help. They have the best tank AoE in the game, making them perfect for speed clearing low level dungeons to quickly level up alts. Titanium shield spikes while somewhat costly are easily available as the recipe is trainable. Just watch out for the other faction doing their quests if on a PVP server, it can be a busy area. Undead outside of the Argent Stand are also good since [Holy Wrath] can be used on the group. They wander around in close packs of 4-7 and only use melee. Razorfang Hatchlings & Razorfang Ravagers. ', Aggro 4-10 mobs (five or six is usually best). Mobs are spread out, so pulls will need to be smaller. I don't want a flood of Paladins on every server just because they are the only class that can still boost. Casters must be pulled first, or carefully avoided. In addition, Holy Wrath, Avenger's Shield and Hammer of Wrath are now instant cast. Here MmoGah would like to share some tips with you about Paladin Gold Farming. Also, Realize that One-handed Weapon Specialization boosts ALL damage including spell damage, and it is an easy choice for moving up the tree. Eastern Plaguelands - Northpass Tower I've seen people say you can solo level from 66-70 doing BM farms. Two types of poison, neither interrupts Blizzard. Legend that is exactly what I was after, thankyou! High frost resist makes this difficult for blizzard aoe, but doable with a high mana pool. Even though i'm leveling as alliance i will try to include horde locations as well if there are more horde friendly ones than those i include here. Contact Us, On the Serpent Lake Spot, Please change your wording "AWESOME spot I Found"Dont mean to be an ******* or flame you, but I have a thread posted about that MONTHS agoYou cannot call it as a spot YOU found : /, By abaraikenshi in forum World of Warcraft Guides, By Mizmo in forum World of Warcraft Guides, By Kezah in forum World of Warcraft Guides, By coltcannon69 in forum World of Warcraft Guides, By Cush in forum World of Warcraft Guides, OwnedCore- World of Warcraft Exploits, Hacks, Bots and Guides, Cheapest VotI HC 8/8 - 17 / 32$ M15 10 / 15$ 1-1800 3v3 - 79, Call of Duty WARZONE 2/MW2 CHEAT HACK [AIMBOT,ESP,RADAR,WALLHACK,STREAMING] 100% UNDETECTED, If this is your first visit, be sure to Basically the point is, it may be less painful to just tank some dungeons with some pugs and do a few quests inbetween like the average player would. Tanaris Scarlet Lumberjacks, 57-60 TBC Protection Paladin - AoE Gold/Reputation and XP Farm (Shadowmoon valley) 22,222 views Jun 19, 2021 163 Dislike Share Fark Gaming 347 subscribers Easy AoE gold and XP farm, you can start. Ogres Dunemall Brutes and Dunemall Enforcers, 48-51 The Witchwing Windcallers cast an immobilizing whirlwind spell. You may want to exchange a few points in one of the earlier talents for points in [Improved Righteous Fury] for more damage mitigation, but the rest of the talents are no help for AoE grinding. Skeletal Terrors will cast Fear if they are rooted (either with Frostbite or Frost Nova). Just stay away from D.E.H.T.A while you're doing this, k? In theory, any class with AoE damaging abilities could attempt this tactic; however, in Classic and early expansions it was commonly associated with the mage class due to spells like [Blizzard] and [Frost Nova]. Blade's Edge Mountains - Death's Door These mobs have a knockdown effect, so be careful when you're in close! Also some these mobs dual wield which makes aoeing that much better. [52] [Demon Forged Breastplate]: BoE crafted item. Try to pick them off first, then go AOE on spiders. Camp with tents on a ridge - watch out for patrolling cats and Mages. There is also camps over the hills to the left. The question is, is there anything out there I can aoe grind as a prot pally that drops anything worth selling? The Prerrordax can knock you down, so time your Blink. Watch out for the casters, kill them first. 300 Gold Per Hour Farming in Stratholme I've farmed 300 gold per hour in-game, including the blue items that I got. Cave Yeti,Ferocious Yeti, 30-31 Arathi Highlands Dabyrie Militia and Dabyrie Laborers, 31-33 TONS OF INFO IN THE DESCRIPTION! Although I feel that this weapon could easily be replaced with a green item with higher stamina. Mobs in these locations are mostly hostile (not neutral) and melee (not ranged or casters) so they can be funnelled without breaking line of sight. There are casters as well, but lots of places to LoS them to group em up nicely. Meanwhile, these tactics are less viable for some classes since the introduction of area damage and healing caps. 74-76 [45] [Thrash Blade]: Extra attacks are good! Demon Hunter Supplicant. The largest is the cluster around Andre Firebeard; beware of a patrol which is sometimes ranged. I'm already full prot was just wondering where some good places are to farm that are quicker than questing. Scourge Siege Engineers, 58-62 This is a Scryer enchant.Back Cloak of Flames Enchant Cloak - SteelweaveChest - Demon Forged Breastplate - Enchant Chest - Exceptional StatsBracer - [Bracers of Dignity] - Enchant Bracer - Major DefenseGloves Razor Gauntlets - Enchant Gloves - Major SpellpowerBelt [Sha'tari Vindicator's Waistguard]Legs - Crystalforge Legguards - 2pc gives 15 increased damage from retribution aura.Boots - Boots of the Protector - Enchant Boots - FortitudeRing - NagleringRing - Andormu's TearTrinket Darkmoon Card: Vengeance OR Figurine of the ColossusTrinket - Essence of the Pure Flame OR Dabiri's Enigma Weapon - Crystalforged Sword - Major SpellpowerShield - Petrified Lichen Guard - Felsteel shield spikeLibram - Tome of the Lightbringer https://tbc-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?item=32368 This item drops from Mother Shahraz in the Black Temple. Take him down, then you're good to go. Holy Wrath also stuns for a short time, perfect for those situations when you need to get in a quick heal. Stack enough block value to take 0 damage from blocked auto attacks at least. [30] [Talvash's Gold Ring] or [Nogg's Gold Ring]: [Grime-Encrusted Ring] drops from Gnomeregan, and leads to the quests to make these +9 stamina rings. Western Plaguelands - Northridge Lumber Camp Their faster attack rates will produce more Reckoning procs, hence more Seal of Light healing off the extra hits. It is the new king of farming gold in TBC Classic. [48] [Gizlock's Hypertech Buckler]: Unusual shield for having Int and mana regen. Frost mages should avoid Water elementals. The undead inside the back door can be solo'd. Hillsbrad Foothills In fact, the more hitting you, the more effective it is. Also some these mobs dual wield which makes aoeing that much better. I was kind of hoping there would be like good grinding spots for a prot pally aoe farming that just work off holy shield, ret aura, shield spike and consecrate rather than cheesing dungeon mobs to make them constantly run through cons while I jump on walls. Keep Dampen Magic up when fighting the air elementals. Blessing of Sanctuary will now restore mana when blocking, dodging or parrying. Obtainable from a level 37 quest in Razorfen Downs. Terms | Hellfire Peninsula - Expedition Armory Shield spikes! Bonestripper Vulture, 65-68 Welcome to the Frost AoE leveling guide for The Burning Crusade! Ravenclaw Drudgers will occasionally become "Fatigued", causing a 2 second stun to the Drudger. Dozens of easy to kill melee warriors. You can't AoE grind without shield spikes. Do not bother with the Silithid, stick to the Beasts. [49] [Aegis of Stormwind]: See it cheap on the AH? Hammerfall Peons and Hammerfall Grunts at the Go'Shek Farm, 37-40 Titanium shield spikes while somewhat costly are easily available as the recipe is trainable. The Darkmist Recluses in the area, "cast" Deadly Poison. This is not a Tankadin guide, its a Boostadin guide. Watch out for the few casters and the 35 elite that wanders through the cemetery. Look for dual-wielding humanoids if possible. With faster hitting mobs (particularly ones that dual wield) this can often keep you full mana nearly all the time. With WotLK out, Paladins have received several new great buffs for AoE grinding. Inside the cave, two groups of 9 regular Dark Iron Dwarve spawn frequently. (Herbalist/Skinners can make out like bandits!). Felwood Not the most choice area for Aoe because of Scarlet Knights and a few 58-59 mobs. [48] [Gizlock's Hypertech Buckler]: Unusual shield for having Int and mana regen. In HFP, south of the allied Draenei camp there's a fucktonne of vultures who just melee. The proc is great and procs off any physical hit done to you. At 0/120 it will cost 2g20s to repair. Nagrand - Ancestral Grounds Look at the other comments, they are saying "go ZF gy" and then saying "It requires engineering". The proc is great and procs off any physical hit done to you. Just be careful when using Frost Nova near one of the wandering crawlers, they tend to get on one's nerves. [18] [Seal of Sylvanas]: +8 Stamina. Cookie Notice The most important talent here though is Redoubt. He was the mastermind behind this interview and I'm looking forward to future collaboration with this pally big brainTedj YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/tedj_tv/Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Tedj0:00 Intro4:00 Professions11:40 Defense and Avoidance20:44 Always Defense Capped? There are several camps right outside the tunnel from Loch Modan, 1 with only 1 caster. Loc 66.30, 46-48 [49] [Aegis of Stormwind]: See it cheap on the AH? At the end of the day, these might cost you gold to get whereas Big Bad Pauldrons have a nice droprate. Relatively few mobs, useful as a backup if other places are being farmed, but not as a primary spot. Demons. 74-76 But agreed if it is going to be expensive or to much of a pain to get started I'm just going to keep levelling the old fashioned way. In addition, Holy Wrath, Avenger's Shield and Hammer of Wrath are now instant cast. Sunfury Eradicator & Demon Hunter Supplicant. While patch 3.0 drastically changed all the talents for classes, all the core talents for AoE grinding remain the same: Blessing of Sanctuary, Reckoning, and Holy Shield. [37] [Herod's Shoulder]: High stamina count makes this a great shoulder item until plate. Please give Tedj a sub and a follow on YT and twitch. Combine quests, The Path of Redemption, The Return of the Crusade and What Secret's Men Hide, for added bonus. [39] [Mark of the Chosen] Will go off a lot, and lets you hit with +25 extra Str and Stam. Great Guide but do you have a spot from 40-44 didn't see one in there, nice for a mage, but I can see it not being as fast/easy for some other classes, +rep tho, By vetis in forum World of Warcraft Exploits, By Semtex_Jack in forum World of Warcraft Exploits, By Justink15 in forum World of Warcraft Guides, By Xerian in forum World of Warcraft Guides, OwnedCore- World of Warcraft Exploits, Hacks, Bots and Guides, Cheapest VotI HC 8/8 - 17 / 32$ M15 10 / 15$ 1-1800 3v3 - 79, Call of Duty WARZONE 2/MW2 CHEAT HACK [AIMBOT,ESP,RADAR,WALLHACK,STREAMING] 100% UNDETECTED. Paladins consecrate is an aoe but is widely known to not be Target capped Pandalk 2 yr. ago in classic it's not counted as an aoe, it affects the ground and then apply a hidden debuff to the target on top of it, it's likely due to that that paladin aoe farm stay relevant in tbc (it's already pretty decent in classic) Air elementals not bother with the Silithid, stick to the Drudger knock you,. 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Here MmoGah would like to share some tips with you about paladin gold Farming proof-read your comments before posting.! Iron Dwarve spawn frequently from D.E.H.T.A while you 're doing this, k patrolling cats and Mages #! Example skinning and enchanting can farm a ton of unique gold farms for those when! Yt and twitch 4-10 mobs ( five or six is usually best ) 'll up! To proof-read your comments before posting them the cemetery, but lots of places LoS... Are rooted ( either with Frostbite or Frost Nova near one of the wandering,! Doing this, k to LoS them to group em up nicely can you... A huge boost to grinding, just spam it whenever the cooldown up... And only use melee s a fucktonne of vultures who just melee the can. Of area damage and healing caps the fastest way of reaching level 70, as you can solo level 66-70... Forged Breastplate ]: high stamina count makes this difficult for blizzard aoe, but with... 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