my muslim boyfriend broke up with me

Keep your intentions hidden: Your ex will probably try to get in touch with you after a breakup. 15) Dont beg or act desperate. WebMy boyfriend broke up with me yesterday because i'm im an Atheist and hes a muslim. So someone who breaks up with you for good is actually proving that theyre wrong for you and cant make you happy. How can I be a better Muslim? But first, lets find out why he broke up with you in the first place. It wasnt until the months following that my family told me to break it off with him. I am raising money for my asylee friends family! If this is the case, you will soon find out about it because hell probably be in a new relationship in no time and likely already knows who his new girlfriend is going to be. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me Suddenly For No Reason. Your boyfriend might not want to tell you why hes breaking up with you because the reason is another woman. But, your ex will see this desperation and it will probably push them further away from you. Doing something creative will feel good anyway, so dont hesitate to turn your feelings into a poem, a song, a painting, or any other work of art. I just want him. Religion Experiment Was A Romance Failure. I am 40 years old and what I dislike so much is people dont take me seriously when I say I dont have sex without commitment is like people think I am joking.. (The Truth), Empaths In Relationships: 15 Tips For Happy And Healthy Love, 16 Ways To Prepare For A Breakup (Mentally, Emotionally, Practically). Istighfar is also gateway of productivity. Does Islam allow this? Jules Dall admitted in a viral clip that midway through the couples What if you told the guy, "hey if she really loves you nothing will stop her." It's not your job to fix him. Your ex will likely be confused and hurt by your decision. Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. This can create problems in your life and your relationships. Since then, he broke up with me, starting seeing his ex girlfriend, and is now treating me coldly like as if I never existed and like he never even Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the gateway of relief and happiness. How should our family approach this? Now, this is a big step and something that you should only do after youve thought long and hard about it. Don't get back with him. If he really loves you I believe right now he is praying for you. Think about your relationship. Maybe youll come to the conclusion that your man runs away when its time to commit and settle down for good. Dont let yourself be lured into checking his social media accounts or sending him frequent emails or texts remember the no contact rule. So while he didnt know for sure you were an infidel things were ok. Copyright A Conscious Rethink. We talked about , me becoming Muslim for him in the past. Without God allowing us to drink a drop from the Boundless Ocean of Knowledge, we would have been completely lost. But, they will notice that youre serious about getting back together with them. He swore on the Muslim holy book as she requested. That is a big sin and not allowed in the religion. You've been fooled and it sucks, but that is the case. NOW FROM THE FOLLOWING PLS LEARN THE PRAYER AND HAVE PATIENCE-NO WORRY IF YOU LOOSE THE SELFISH BOY FRIEND ATLEAST YOU HAVE FOUND THE ALMIGHTY IN THE PROCESS- If you want him back, then you need him to remember the good times you shared. I'm still getting over it and he now is ignoring me. If he trusts you, he may confide in you about any problems he has in his new relationship. Has something recently changed? Whether youre still in love with him and truly believe there is a future for the two of you, or you accept that its over but need someone to talk to about the breakup, an experienced relationship expert could be just what you need. Advertising on this blog requires a minimum of GH50 a week. Are my stepsisters feelings and actions justified? To walk among the What is Khalwa? Say: "He is the One God: God the Eternal, the Uncaused Cause of All Being. If he had a reason to break up with you, you probably have a reason to let him go. Focus on the negative things about him and your relationship, and dont let yourself crave something that didnt make you happy in the first place. Even when we were in relationship, he used to tell me that we should break up as he used to feel guilty of this. Don't spend money in a big ceremony if you cannot, you don't need to. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. I dont think i can do this without him. If anyone constantly seeks pardon (from Allah), Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not. [Abu Dawud]. But God is All Merciful. Instead of talking to you about them and seeking your support, he decided to end your relationship so that he could dedicate his time and energy to those things. can i please ask a personal question. This is especially true if you have been having problems in your relationship, even if those problems seem minor to you. I hope that Allah eases your pain and Being in better shape will not only boost your confidence, but it can help you gain the courage to approach your ex again. Mar 1, 2023 at 11:38 AM. If you are interested in becoming Muslim, we would certainly be able to help you learn how to do so and try to point you to Islamic resources that are near where you live, as well. WhenI started this relationship,I was innocent and was not knowing about this great sin. I called my boyfriend twice when I was on my way and he didnt answer but he texted me. Im gonna meet up with my boyfriend. The No contact rule is a period of time usually one month during which you abstain from all contact with your ex and their friends and family. Im so glad youve reached out. Hello there Im exactly in same situation we didnt do anything wrong but we both love each other so much Im younger than her (2years) she is getting matches and Im not settled yet we both just graduated recently . , Trust me.there are many Catholic guys that I wouldn't want a relationship with either. If your ex is in a new relationship, he may not be ready to get back together. Your ex will be able to sense your confidence and will be drawn to you even more. So, dont rush to reach out to him again. d232, it's very possible that your guess is right- that your boyfriend began feeling guilty about his relationship with you and decided to break up to correct himself. They were successful. He was perfect. Dont sit at home feeling sad and lonely. After spending 2 years of your life with a man it is very hard when they decide they need to make a change. Thank you lovely. Now is the time to reflect on what you want and what went wrong. 8 Pieces Of Advice To Help A Second Chance Relationship Succeed. I know muslims are not allowed to have relationships, but he is the one wholoved mein thefirst place. If it was something you did, you need to be honest with yourself by asking yourself why you did it. Why am I so confident that they can help you? Now, you dont want to be too obvious. As I've said in multiple posts on this sub, I highly advise people against dating people of other faiths let alone non christians. In the end, you cant rely on him to give you closure. *****, So, even if your boyfriend left you out of nowhere from your perspective, he probably spent a while thinking about leaving you, and there surely will have been some clues. Since yesterday all i did was cry. This article is here to help you achieve that. Its not over til the Trumpet is Blown Sin and Repentance in Islam, The Sin of Fornication and Adultery Part 1, The Sin of Adultery and Fornication Part 2, The Sin of Adultery and Fornication Part 3. Before doing anything else, think about the possible reason for his odd behavior and trust your gut. But when you break up, your friends will be there for you. Youll find your happiness on your own, and someone will make you even happier by being with you and staying with you. It is all just memories. Yes I get that there are some middle eastern Muslim guys that view some non Muslim women that way but he is not from the middle East and I am not from a western culture either. Search Internet for ESL and city where you live. I always agreed but there was something that stopped us everytime. Also, intimate relations or not, we, as Muslims, can only advise them to end the haram relationship and IF they do want to get married after repentance, that is a separate discussion based on the religion of the sister. Dont get back together with him just because you feel lonely or because youre afraid of losing him forever, but because you truly want to be with him. I won't give him another chance. It will help you understand what went wrong: If you and your ex broke up for whatever reason, you need to understand why it happened. If your ex-boyfriend broke up with you, dont do anything to make him feel like youre desperate to get him back. Heres the thing: Guys want to be the ones to do the chasing. On the other hand though, following Islam plays a more prominent role for my boyfriends. Weve been together for almost a year now, which in my mind does DEFINITELY not warrant wedding planners and cake tasting just yet. I am not muslim, but my boyfriend is muslim. He wanted to have the family visit his family. Maybe he just used you, and once he got what he wanted, he left. You want more, and he was happy with the way things were. Salam. Thanks for your response. Before you read them, though, think about your relationship and how he has been acting lately. We broke up because we realized that our relationship was haram. Press J to jump to the feed. Where he sent her take classes they asked her if she was there of her own free will. I receive a commission if you choose to purchase anything after clicking on them. There were probably some signs that he was thinking about breaking up with you that you might have neglected to notice. Surely he gave you some sort of explanation, and maybe he would be willing to tell you more. I know it hurts, but it would probably hurt more later. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! I am sure he is not getting married. Dont worry. You can ask him. You want to show him that youve changed and youre a better person. Theyll provide you with the support and insight you need to either get your ex back or move past your breakup and meet someone new. Keep in mind that you are going to love again, and you are going to have a happy relationship. i know is my fault for having sex with a man without a proper commitment and is something that i learned and i want to change for myself. And then also say Inshallah, or "if Allah wills", and not hold Love as your God to making it happen. If you give it some thought, you might be able to identify the reason(s) why your boyfriend left. have you had sex with him? She was forced to wear the Muslim head covering. Youll have to try to find out on your own. Maybe he cheated on you, but he could have just While he still loves you, he may be in the position of choosing between you and his family. A life suitable for Islam can be experienced all ", "I congratulate you. I think on time he started viewing me as something he should be helping to change and bring on the *right path" (according to him) and when I wasn't so easily controllable he got the shits and moved on. I am deleted every messages nd no, photos everything. He just threw you away so easily like that. Maybe your relationship hit more than a few bumps in the road before it ended. Even today we love each other a lot. You may believe that your ex made a mistake, but its important that you show him youve changed. Healing from a breakup is a great excuse to go shopping for new clothes, get a great new haircut, party with friends, or even just soak in a warm bath with a glass of wine and a face mask. He probably looking for another girl to do with. As if the breakup wasnt bad enough, not knowing the real reason(s) for it bites. Sudden breakups usually arent so sudden. Never ever beg! Dont forget that it takes two to make a relationship work, so unless he ended things because of something about you that you can easily fix, youre not going to fix your relationship without him. God willing you will find the peace you are seeking as you continue to explore this guidance given to all by Him. If hes not ready for a serious relationship, it doesnt mean he doesnt want to be with you; it just means he needs more time. As for getting over him, these things take time whether someone is a Muslim or not. We broke up because we realised we were actually doing wrong. OP: I guess maybe he is feeling too painful in front of the God? I know that he still loves me and cares about me but is trying to shut me out and forget his feelings for me. But, its really hard to figure out what went wrong if youre still in touch with your ex. They might not be able to heal quickly and might need more time than you do. If you make snide remarks or say anything negative about her, youll only drive him further away. I'm so tired. Then calmly ask him why he does it at all. But you don't know Na what will happen so its better to ask ALLAH for help and leave the rest. Their Science Vs. There are many benefits to using the No contact rule to get back together with your ex. Its likely that your ex will be more drawn to you than before. Wtf. Most cities have low-cost adult education schools. When youve attained the clarity you need, you can contact your ex again. agde, I think you have misunderstood the purpose of this website. I feel terrible. If he had a reason to break up with you, you probably have a reason to let him go. Even if he gets nicer, this is just no way to treat another person, much less a lady friend. But when it happens seemingly out of nowhere and you dont even know the reason why your boyfriend left you, its brutal. He didn't treat me like a "side chick" and he was a respectful person. Its not over til the Trumpet is Blown Sin and Repentance in Islam, The Sin of Fornication and Adultery Part 1, The Sin of Adultery and Fornication Part 2, The Sin of Adultery and Fornication Part 3. What if your relationship was going great? It is unclear as to what reason your boyfriend broke up with you and what he said to you--so it is difficult to comment on this. This will help you mourn and it will help him come to terms with his decision. I miss him a lot and i know he does too. I feel so They usually want someone from their culture (experienced this sadly). You said your not a muslim then why you reading the Quran. I'm sorry. So, he has to break up with you to be able to see where it goes with the other person. I knew my family wouldnt approve of our marriage, but I was weak. I wish to leave my cheating husband and take the children with me, Used, manipulated, gaslighted, and then left by a man, Family dysfunction has resulted in a scarcity of suitable marriage proposals. Maybe you could take a yoga class, cooking lessons, or even go on a small vacation to put more significant physical and emotional distance between you and your ex-boyfriend. Meaning, have one last conversation with your boyfriend and put the phone down. If youve gone through the no contact period and you still want to get your ex back, you may have to be the one to initiate getting back together. I do feel sorry for you and your pain but what did you expect. Islam has a pretty demeaning view of women. I know it can be messy but this will be the kindest way for YOU. Speak to a certified and experienced relationship coach to help you deal with a breakup thats come out of nowhere. Your boyfriend might not give you an explanation, but you are likely to find it among the following common reasons. He could lie to me about it but he told me the truth, so I believe he is good person. A modern agnostic woman older than the man and a devoted muslim family is Either way, you will need to respect his decision. But doing something quick and rash might not be the best idea for you at this moment. I hate to be a bible thumper but, even in the bible it's says for one not to be unequally yoked. Their popularity boils down to how skilled their coaches are. When you want to break up with someone, you give it some thought before acting on it. Or maybe he will agree to see you and be happy about it instead. Before you get sad, think about his reason for a second. When someone breaks up with you, it can hurt so much that you want them back without even giving it much thought. For you to presume this is really wrong. She got copies of the court order made, and went home to her family. My Soon-to-be-wife has left me suddenly, And I am still deeply in love with her. WebBroke up because of religion: What to do So lets say that you and the one you love have broken up because of religious differences. He finally came around but Im now engaged to another! I also broke my sim. Call them narcissists etc.. when the relationship is is over. Allh knows best. Im not muslim but I know a fair few now. Sometimes, the answer is simple, even if we dont want to hear it. On the bright side, getting some distance from this guy will give you a lot more free time, and you should only use a small portion of it to dwell on the breakup. Did you know that exercising boosts your self-confidence and makes you feel better about yourself? Is there really a future for the two of you? Are you simply too different? Love marriage . Has it always felt like your relationship had an expiration date? Focus on the negative things about him and your relationship, and dont let yourself crave something that didnt make you happy in the first place. Well you did a great thing by breaking up with him. If your boyfriend left you, then he might not be ready to get back together with you yet. Now, I know that youre still in love with your ex, but dont try to talk him out of his new relationship. She said "NO". I know the breakup and his sociopathic attitude afterward are obviously painful for you right now, but focus on working through your feelings and getting over it all so that you can be prepared for what (and/or who) is next in your life without this bogging you down. I am not! If so, can I pray for him so that he won't be punished from God? So, treat it as one and do the things that you can do something about. If you immediately start trying to get him to take you back, hes going to think youre desperate and push you away even more. I don't mind if you pray that:) But a guy who loves me unconditionally..does such a man exist?? Its also known as the Silent treatment or Cold turkey method. This can help you get your ex back because hell see the positive changes in you. Then, after the time has passed, you can reach out to him and see how he is doing. And remember, if you want your ex to give you a second chance, you need to approach them with humility. I knew he was about to break up with me. I'm just hurt while happy just hurt. Thats not correct, I was in love with a Christian girl and Im allowed to marry her! WebThis blog is managed by the content creator and not GhanaWeb, its affiliates, or employees. Perhaps he had doubts or felt he was not ready to commit or perhaps there was something he wanted to tell you but never got the chance to say. Jelena is a citizen of the world who is passionate about travel and learning about new cultures. he may not be ready to get back together. My uncle thinks his son is homosexual and wants us to beat the gay out of him. I love my Muslim boyfriend but he already has a wife. After thatI prayed a lot for our marriage, but something made me so disappointed. You want to casually bring up the good old days. Even if you desperately want everything to be the way it was, accept the breakup and the fact that thats currently not an option. I have a similar problem the only thing I converted for her. Shes a foodie who loves to cook. "Real friends are gems to find. [Al-Hijr 15:49]. If he feels like youre not interested in him anymore and are moving on with your life if he feels like he cant have you hell want you even more. Everyone has experiences with love, and everyone needs dating advice, so giving these topics more attention and spreading the word means a lot to her. After breaking up with someone you love, you will probably desperately want to get back together as soon as possible. Doing so will help you get your ex back. Instead, its important to put some space between the two of you so that both of you can think clearly about your relationship and figure out what went wrong. Even if abrupt, a breakup is still a breakup. This is very important and you need to listen to this: Go no contact. Speaking of commitment, have you discussed where your relationship is going? Doing so will only make you look desperate, and you dont want to do anything to jeopardize your chances of getting back together. Send him a message and see if you can meet to talk. I encouraged that God is real,living and presentand though im happy he will finally have peace for the void and unrest he felt im also saddened that i cannot be his future. no. You need to know what went wrong in your relationship and what you can do to fix it. It sounds like he's moving on; it would help you to do the same. Dont continue to make that mistake and take steps to move on. See if hell be the one who reaches out to you. You wanted to fight for it, but your boyfriend decided to give up and leave. This happened to me as well. Friend was atheist, girl walked out on him after 2 years because he didnt want to convert to christianity. It's not like the girl doesn't love the guy in this case right? Hey can you pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee please update me on this.. Did your boyfriend try to contact you or have you moved on? I don't think your ex-boyfriend is deserving of your love and effort-- he's thrown you away once, and chances are he will do this again if you give him another chance. Whenever you are in distress start reciting it and Insha Allah it will take you out of your anxiety and will put you in a peaceful situation and will give you happiness. A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. Must be XYZ" etc then I am happy for them. You need to stop making contact if you have been calling or texting your ex-boyfriend over and over again. Speak to a certified and experienced relationship coach to help you deal with a breakup thats come out of nowhere. Hell see that you have no problem with moving on with your life and that youre not sitting around waiting for him. WebWhen someone breaks up with you out of the blue and then disappears into thin air, it means that they want to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Want and what you can do something about need, you need to listen to this: no... Was Atheist, girl walked out on him to give you an explanation, but my boyfriend when. Agreed but there was something that you should only do after youve thought long hard., youll only drive him further away patch in my mind does DEFINITELY not wedding! To know what went wrong if youre still in love with her *,:. Would probably hurt more later the following common reasons for them you probably have a relationship... 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my muslim boyfriend broke up with me