the alchemist full book with page numbers pdf

Thedays had always been silent, but now, even the nightswhen the travelerswere accustomed to talking around the fireshad also become quiet. The desert is acapricious lady, and sometimes she drives men crazy.\" The animals balked at such places, and the camel drivers wereforced to dismount and unburden their charges. They provided warnings aboutthieves and barbarian tribes. \"The oases may notshelter armies or troops.\"To the boy's surprise, the Englishman took a chrome-plated revolver out ofhis bag and gave it to the men who were collecting the arms.\"Why a revolver?\" he asked. Butchildren always seem to be able to play with them without frightening them.I don't know why. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 1 / 94 The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho Translated by Alan R. Clarke. The old king hadn't told him that the Pyramids were just a pileof stones, or that anyone could build one in his backyard. Some men were smoking from a gigantic pipethat they passed from one to the other. He could always become a crystal salesman again. The men of the oasis wanted to know if they hadseen any fighting, and the women competed with one another for access tothe cloth and precious stones brought by the merchants. He had had the same dreamthat night as a week ago, and once again he had awakened before it ended.He arose and, taking up his crook, began to awaken the sheep that stillslept. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 46 / 94\"Go back to watching the caravan,\" he said. At the beginning of the novel, the protagonist Santiago is launched on a quest for his treasurehis Personal Legendthrough his encounter . As soon as he had learned to know hiscamel better, and to establish a relationship with him, he threw the bookaway. As a child in church, he hadalways looked at the image of Saint Santiago Matamoros on his white horse,his sword unsheathed, and figures such as these kneeling at his feet. Sometimes it's better to leave things as they are, he thought tohimself, and decided to say nothing. Did you see the garden that it took the mastergardener ten years to create? When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strongcurrent that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he firstmade the decision.When I decided to seek out my treasure, I never imagined that I'd wind upworking in a crystal shop, he thought. He saw the gardens, the mountains all around him, the beauty of theflowers, and the taste with which everything had been selected. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 26 / 94\"I can clean up those glasses in the window, if you want,\" said the boy.\"The way they look now, nobody is going to want to buy them.\"The man looked at him without responding.\"In exchange, you could give me something to eat.\"The man still said nothing, and the boy sensed that he was going to have tomake a decision. It turned out to be a bitter tea. Maybe it was his treasure tohave wound up in that strange land, met up with a thief, and doubled thesize of his flock without spending a cent.He was proud of himself. But, as time passes, a mysterious forcebegins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize theirdestiny.\"None of what the old man was saying made much sense to the boy. \"Hewanted your money,\" he said. He always enjoyed seeing the happiness that the travelersexperienced when, after weeks of yellow sand and blue sky, they first sawthe green of the date palms. He took Urim and Thummim fromhis pocket, and began playing with them.The stranger shouted, \"Urim and Thummim!\"In a flash the boy put them back in his pocket.\"They're not for sale,\" he said.\"They're not worth much,\" the Englishman answered. Like this book? In the desert, disobedience means death.\"There was a murmur from the crowd. tags: inspirational. He went on tellingstories about his travels, and her bright, Moorish eyes went wide with fearand surprise. I don't know how animals know the age of humanbeings.\"\"Tell me more about your dream,\" said the woman. In some places, the ground was covered with the salt of dried-up lakes. What he needed to do wasreview all he had learned over the years, because the alchemist wouldcertainly put him to the test.The young Arab took out a book and began to read. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 32 / 94begin to sell tea in the crystal glasses. Therewere three hundred wells, fifty thousand date trees, and innumerablecolored tents spread among them.\"It looks like The Thousand and One Nights,\" said the Englishman, impatientto meet with the alchemist.They were surrounded by children, curious to look at the animals andpeople that were arriving. If hepushed forward impulsively, he would fail to see the signs and omens leftby God along his path.God placed them along my path. In return, I needmoney to get to Egypt tomorrow.\"The merchant laughed. And he knew that Egyptwas in Africa.\"Can I help you?\" asked the man behind the window.\"Maybe tomorrow,\" said the boy, moving away. Bycoincidenceor maybe it was an omen, the boy thoughthe came to thebar he had entered on his first day there. Parents would rather see their children marry bakersthan shepherds.\"The boy felt a pang in his heart, thinking about the merchant's daughter.There was surely a baker in her town.The old man continued, \"In the long run, what people think about shepherdsand bakers becomes more important for them than their own destinies.\"The old man leafed through the book, and fell to reading a page he cameto. Other shops were opened that served tea in crystal, but they weren't atthe top of a hill, and they had little business.Eventually, the merchant had to hire two more employees. And the names of the people involved werevery difficult to pronounce. Heknew it would require a lot of patience, but shepherds know all aboutpatience. He spoke Spanish betterthan Arabic, and, if this boy was going to Al-Fayoum, there would besomeone to talk to when there were no other important things to do. Thenthe two went off to have some more tea.\"I'm leaving today,\" said the boy. Hecouldn't have been wrong.\"I had never heard of alchemists before,\" the boy said. The old woman asked him to swearagain while looking at the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.\"It's a dream in the language of the world,\" she said. The priests carried them in a golden breastplate.\"The boy was suddenly happy to be there at the warehouse.\"Maybe this is an omen,\" said the Englishman, half aloud.\"Who told you about omens?\" The boy's interest was increasing by themoment.\"Everything in life is an omen,\" said the Englishman, now closing the journalhe was reading. If he makes a buying mistake, it doesn't affect him much. The boy had noticed that the Englishman was irritable, and missed hisbooks.\"So that those who have the responsibility for understanding canunderstand,\" he said. When the people saw thatstar shining in the morning sky, they knew they were on the right coursetoward water, palm trees, shelter, and other people. \"And suddenly, the child took me by both hands andtransported me to the Egyptian pyramids.\"He paused for a moment to see if the woman knew what the Egyptianpyramids were. 1 What does Santiago notice in the sacristy of the abandoned church that he takes shelter in on the way to the merchant? They were men who had dedicated their entire lives to thepurification of metals in their laboratories; they believed that, if a metal wereheated for many years, it would free itself of all its individual properties, andwhat was left would be the Soul of the World. When you play cards the first time, you are almost sure to win.Beginner's luck.\"\"Why is that?\"\"Because there is a force that wants you to realize your destiny; it whetsyour appetite with a taste of success.\"Then the old man began to inspect the sheep, and he saw that one waslame. It wouldn't be the first time.\"And the woman told the boy to leave, saying she had already wasted toomuch time with him.So the boy was disappointed; he decided that he would never again believein dreams. I hate this tea.\"\"There is no wine in this country,\" the young man said. He realized thathe could do the same thing the old man had donesense whether a personwas near to or far from his destiny. The heat lasted until nightfall, and all that time he had to carryhis jacket. The boyprodded them, one by one, with his crook, calling each by name. Eventhough the sheep didn't teach me to speak Arabic.But the sheep had taught him something even more important: that therewas a language in the world that everyone understood, a language the boyhad used throughout the time that he was trying to improve things at theshop. He drank a bit from the wine thatremained from his dinner of the night before, and he gathered his jacketcloser to his body. An illustration of an open book. I've already imagined the people who would be A lawyer. But they couldnever have taught him Arabic.There are probably other things in the world that the sheep can't teach me,thought the boy as he regarded the old merchant. But the alchemists were strange people, who thought onlyabout themselves, and almost always refused to help him. After all, he had all his money. That morning he had knowneverything that was going to happen to him as he walked through thefamiliar fields. He was about the same age and height as the boy.\"Almost everyone here speaks Spanish. But that disaster taught me to understand the wordof Allah: people need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achievingwhat they need and want.\"We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it's our life or ourpossessions and property. Myneighbors feared they would lose all their olive trees in the flood, and mywife was afraid that we would lose our children. \"I have the money I need to buy my sheep.And you have the money you need to go to Mecca.\"The old man said nothing.\"Will you give me your blessing?\" asked the boy. The boy smiled to himself. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 44 / 94The book that most interested the boy told the stories of the famousalchemists. He had discovered that thepresence of a certain bird meant that a snake was nearby, and that acertain shrub was a sign that there was water in the area. The boy noticed that the man's clothing was strange. *\"I need to sell some wool,\" the boy told the merchant.The shop was busy, and the man asked the shepherd to wait until theafternoon. 'The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world,and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.' But now, as the sun began to set, he was in a differentcountry, a stranger in a strange land, where he couldn't even speak thelanguage. But he would never have thought it more than just a myth, hadnot a friend of hisreturning from an archaeological expedition in thedeserttold him about an Arab that was possessed of exceptional powers.\"He lives at the Al-Fayoum oasis,\" his friend had said. Maybe theworld had other hidden treasures, but he had a dream, and he had met witha king. Who knows,maybe they had failed to discover the secret of the Master WorkthePhilosopher's Stoneand for this reason kept their knowledge tothemselves.He had already spent much of the fortune left to him by his father, fruitlesslyseeking the Philosopher's Stone. The boy could see in his father's gaze adesire to be able, himself, to travel the worlda desire that was still alive,despite his father's having had to bury it, over dozens of years, under theburden of struggling for water to drink, food to eat, and the same place tosleep every night of his life. Gold would lose its value.\"It's only those who are persistent, and willing to study things deeply, whoachieve the Master Work. If he ever decided to leave them, they wouldsuffer.The wind began to pick up. I am in search of that universal language, amongother things. Most of them he hadread in books, but he would tell them as if they were from his personalexperience. When I was young, all Iwanted to do was put together enough money to start this shop. The Alchemist - read free eBook by Paolo Coelho in online reader directly on the web page. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 24 / 94Even if he never got to the Pyramids, he had already traveled farther thanany shepherd he knew. Heneeded someone to talk to so as to avoid thinking about the possibility ofwar.\"I learned that the world has a soul, and that whoever understands that soulcan also understand the language of things. And move along when it's time to move along.' Read Full Text. He called to the boy, andthey took a walk along the dunes surrounding the encampment. The sheep were at the gates of the city, in a stable thatbelonged to a friend. Full Book Summary. When he had finished his smoke,he reached into one of his pockets, and sat there for a few moments,regarding what he had withdrawn.It was a bundle of money. But all he foundwas the heavy book, his jacket, and the two stones the old man had givenhim.As he looked at the stones, he felt relieved for some reason. The Alchemist Book PDF Free Download Link Click down the button below to download the full PDF file PDF File Author Source: Twitter The author of The Alchemist PDF Book is Paulo Coelho, he was born on 24 August 1954 in Brazil Rio de Janeiro. But the stones were proof thathe had met with a kinga king who knew of the boy's past.\"They're called Urim and Thummim, and they can help you to read theomens.\" The boy put the stones back in the pouch and decided to do anexperiment. *A card hanging in the doorway announced that several languages werespoken in the shop. The only thing he had noticed was that talk ofwar was becoming more and more frequent. \"Even if you cleaned my crystal for an entire yeareven if you earned a good commission selling every piece, you would stillhave to borrow money to get to Egypt. *\"That's strange,\" said the boy, as he tried once again to read the burial asked the wise man.\"Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy saw that the oil was gone.\" 'Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you,' said the wisest ofwise men. So he held out thebook to the manfor two reasons: first, that he, himself, wasn't sure how topronounce the title; and second, that if the old man didn't know how toread, he would probably feel ashamed and decide of his own accord tochange benches.\"Hmm\" said the old man, looking at all sides of the book, as if it weresome strange object. Itmade me very depressed. The Englishman had several suitcases filled with books.There was a babble of noise, and the leader had to repeat himself severaltimes for everyone to understand what he was saying.\"There are a lot of different people here, and each has his own God. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 15 / 94decided he should go back to being a shepherd. Like. From there, he could see Africa inthe distance. That'swhy I have to live off what my daughters provide me with.\"\"And what if I never get to Egypt?\"\"Then I don't get paid. From where hestood, he saw for the first time that the old merchant's hair was very muchlike the hair of the old king. A young couple sat on the bench where hehad talked with the old man, and they kissed.\"That baker\" he said to himself, without completing the thought. Always ask anobjective question.\"But, if you can, try to make your own decisions. In half an hour, he had cleaned all the glasses in the window, and,as he was doing so, two customers had entered the shop and bought somecrystal.When he had completed the cleaning, he asked the man for something toeat. The Soul of the World is nourished bypeople's happiness. In just a few hours he had seen menwalking hand in hand, women with their faces covered, and priests thatclimbed to the tops of towers and chantedas everyone about him went totheir knees and placed their foreheads on the ground.\"A practice of infidels,\" he said to himself. There had been a time when many people knew ofhis shop: Arab merchants, French and English geologists, German soldierswho were always well-heeled. An illustration of two cells of a film strip. He remembered something his grandfather had once toldhim: that butterflies were a good omen. Theold man wore a breastplate of heavy gold, covered with precious stones.The boy recalled the brilliance he had noticed on the previous day.He really was a king! They workedhard just to have food and water, like the sheep. As he mused about these things, he realized that he had to choosebetween thinking of himself as the poor victim of a thief and as anadventurer in quest of his treasure.\"I'm an adventurer, looking for treasure,\" he said to himself. And it ends up saying that everyone believes the world'sgreatest lie.\" Torealize one's destiny is a person's only real obligation. It was a pleasant changefrom talking to his sheep. The same book that taught me about Urimand Thummim. It seems old and wise.The wind never stopped, and the boy remembered the day he had sat at thefort in Tarifa with this same wind blowing in his face. In one he had read that, many years ago, afamous Arabian alchemist had visited Europe. 2 of 25. But, whichever it is, I'm going to chargeyou for the consultation.\"Another trick, the boy thought. He didn't want his hand to begin trembling, showing the old womanthat he was fearful. I'm used to theway I am.\"The boy didn't know what to say. Then leave with the caravan. So he began to wander through the city,and found himself at the gates. Did you notice the beautiful parchments in mylibrary? But, just before lunchtime, a boy stopped in front of the shop.He was dressed normally, but the practiced eyes of the crystal merchantcould see that the boy had no money to spend. He knew that in thecaravan there was a man to whom he was to teach some of his secrets. The boy noted that there was a sense of fear in the air,even though no one said anything. He had tried in vain to establish a relationship with The wise man conversed with everyone, andthe boy had to wait for two hours before it was his turn to be given theman's attention.\"The wise man listened attentively to the boy's explanation of why he hadcome, but told him that he didn't have time just then to explain the secret ofhappiness. \"Why are you telling me all this?\"\"Because you are trying to realize your destiny. Then, like a colony of worker ants, theydismantled their stalls and left.The sun began its departure, as well. I need to buy my sheep back, so I have to earn themoney to do so.\" Andthen I'll have to change my way of life.\"\"Well, isn't that good?\"\"I'm already used to the way things are. \"It's like the camel driver said:'Eat when it's time to eat. It was said that he was morethan two hundred years old, and that he had discovered the Philosopher'sStone and the Elixir of Life. *Then one day the boy returned the books to the Englishman. The story of the treasures Santiago finds along . They called that discoverythe Master Workit was part liquid and part solid.\"Can't you just observe men and omens in order to understand thelanguage?\" the boy asked.\"You have a mania for simplifying everything,\" answered the Englishman,irritated. First he hadstudied Esperanto, then the world's religions, and now it was alchemy. The boy was tempted to be rude, and move to another bench, buthis father had taught him to be respectful of the elderly. It's the simple things in lifethat are the most extraordinary; only wise men are able to understand them.And since I am not wise, I have had to learn other arts, such as the readingof palms.\"\"Well, how am I going to get to Egypt?\"\"I only interpret dreams. His purpose in life was totravel, and, after two years of walking the Andalusian terrain, he knew all thecities of the region. The boy had never even noticed that there was a hole in his pouch.He knelt down to find Urim and Thummim and put them back in the pouch.But as he saw them lying there on the ground, another phrase came to hismind.\"Learn to recognize omens, and follow them,\" the old king had said.An omen. He could sell the stones and buy a return ticket. Good afternoon.\"And he vanished around the corner of the plaza. Enough to buy himself a hundred and twentysheep, a return ticket, and a license to import products from Africa into hisown country. \"I have to go and gather my sheep andget going.\"\"Give me one-tenth of your sheep,\" said the old man, \"and I'll tell you howto find the hidden treasure.\"The boy remembered his dream, and suddenly everything was clear to him.The old woman hadn't charged him anything, but the old manmaybe hewas her husbandwas going to find a way to get much more money inexchange for information about something that didn't even exist. With the girl withthe raven hair, his days would never be the same again.But finally the merchant appeared, and asked the boy to shear four sheep.He paid for the wool and asked the shepherd to come back the followingyear. The link to download The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Book in PDF has been shared down below. But if he speaks in the language of the soul,it is only you who can understand. From his home in Spain he journeys to the markets of Tangiers and across the Egyptian desert to a fateful encounter with the alchemist. \"That first day, everyone slept from exhaustion, including the Englishman.The boy was assigned a place far from his friend, in a tent with five otheryoung men of about his age. And he asked the boy if he, too, were in search ofthe alchemist.\"I'm looking for a treasure,\" said the boy, and he immediately regrettedhaving said it. But they really don'tknow what they're saying. Only when he consents.\"Wait for the end of the war. Maybe she didn't even remember him. He had assumed he would soon return to hissheep.\"Why did you want to get to the Pyramids?\" he asked, to get away from thebusiness of the display.\"Because I've always heard about them,\" the boy answered, saying nothingabout his dream. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 3 / 94\"How did you learn to read?\" the girl asked at one point.\"Like everybody learns,\" he said. The other man remarked that tea was alwaysmore delicious when it was served in crystal, because the aroma wasretained. Then when he spoke about me he would say that Iam Melchizedek, the king of Salem.He looked to the skies, feeling a bit abashed, and said, \"I know it's thevanity of vanities, as you said, my Lord. I can learn something from the desert, too. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 29 / 94\"I want to get back to my sheep faster. \"They are calledUrim and Thummim. *Two more months passed, and the shelf brought many customers into thecrystal shop. wishing that he had died, and that everythingwould end forever at that moment.The merchant looked anxiously at the boy. Neighbors movedaway, and there remained only a few small shops on the hill. - read free eBook by Paolo Coelho in online reader directly on the web Page hadread in books, shepherds... First day there in search of that universal language, amongother things more months passed, and had. Few small shops on the web Page sacristy of the famousalchemists then, like a colony of ants! Bit from the crowd wouldsuffer.The wind began to wander through the city, the. A friend to teach some of his secrets the beginning of the.. '' he said question.\ '' but, whichever it is, I needmoney get. Ask anobjective question.\ '' but, whichever it is, I 'm going to happen him! 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the alchemist full book with page numbers pdf