npr voices annoying

Tripp, I agree completely. Another one that I see increasingly in many of those under 40, is known as g-dropping. Can you comment on a growing trend of, what one person termed, manufactured precision diction? Dont get me started on LIKE. So I do speak to them about that, how important it is to at least be able to READ it, but it really goes nowhere from there. I was seriously annoyed . So, I woke uuuuup. Politician: Look, we in my state believe that those people working in the aerospace industry are important. You know This phrase is increasingly being usedat the beginning of the sentence as a lead-in. My shopping experiences in the UK have changed since I turned 60 and let my hair go grey. Different than makes no sense. For example, when they pronounce the word eight they say eigh-tah just pronouncing the last letter. This usually entails drawn out words: Sooosomething reeeaally horrrribllllle happened todaaayyyy I broke my cat candlllllle.. (Pout face). Is there a name for this type of speaking? Just on the cursive I used to teach my 5th and 6th graders cursive writing for at least 30 minutes a day. Important..pronounced Im-por-ent. Sounds like a 2 year old learning to speak. Offer them a mask as they debark the plane while thanking them for flying F.U. Vocal fry refers to a low, glottal, animal-like sound that speech pathologists consider a vocal disorder. Also the northeastern dis, dat, dem and does for this, that, them and those. I get far more hung up on language misuse, though. Or it can negate what they just said, or preface a criticism or negative comment. He told me: That is a sign that I've opened them up, they feel comfortable and they're talking in the way that they just regularly talk. The marketing profession is an enemy to communicationmuch like the buzzspeak in 1984. Manhattan is apparently now Manhadden. I didnt read all the comments, so my apologies if this was already mentioned. The t sound is there; the enunciation is just very soft, almost swallowed, because the word is split into syllables in a different place than whats proper. While I agree that its a lazy way of speaking, its probably more a regional speech pattern than anything else. I wonder ifnah, prolly not. Im wondering if there is a name for a pattern Im noticing when people start listing bullet point details. Let me explain this simple thing to you dummies. Dont run into nobody! (a parent to a child) In the U.S., though, the phrase is different from. When I hear than, I want to scream. Ive been listening to a lot of podcasts lately and obviously, most of them have commercials. I seem to see/hear it all the time nowadays, normally just after someone has clearly explained the facts around something, but the person reading/hearing it feels the need to demand the person giving out the information to Wait! so they can then ask them What?, as though what theyve just heard is complete nonsense, simply because they havent, (or so it comes across), been able to comprehend it the first time around. I mean, hello! But even more bothersome is the growing ubiquity of Thank you having me in response to a host or interviewer saying Thank you to a guest at the end of a segment, or even in response to Thank you for joining us at the beginning of their conversation. Credibility goes out the window. Allison Shelley/NPR I think its lazy not to pronounce words correctly. You missed uh, um, well you know( the three words used together). There are a lot of great voices too though. But its when I hear someone who has the astonishing ability to combine those two very irritating trends, as well as throwing in the recent social media driven pointless inane phrases so; I feel like, OMG! etc, that I terminate my involvement in the conversation immediately. I understand some countries use to instead of from, and I dont know if thats longstanding or new. Sometimes reporters do incorporate feedback about their delivery. Even in filipino words like palapag theyll say palapag-gah'the gah sounds like when you pronounce the letter G. They do this do the last letter of the last word of the their sentence. Great use of the word literally there, Amber. Youve covered it all, including the Yes, no stupidity. Thank you so much for validating my comments to my skeptical wife. Epic, etc. Drives me crazy every time. Hansen earned her MFA in Acting from Brandeis University, and has additionally studied in New York and France, at the Guthrie Theatre, and at Studio Theatre Conservatory. Uptalk is the new wave sweeping the youth, like wearing tights and having tattoos all over your arm. Literally, actually, etc. Allison I have to chuckle at your comment, since just last night, while watching one of the football playoff games, my husband was getting quite annoyed at Tony Romos continuous use of the word right? uptick included, while commentating. And listeners have seriously strong feelings about this stuff. And, therein lies the issue. I completely agree with the annoying no problem response from a server after saying Thank you. I have heard infants using words like this when they are learning, but to hear it coming from the mouth of a grown woman? If I were paying someone to speak on TV I would insist that they use the correct pronunciations. The education system. But many English speakers dont really consider you as plural, because its indistinguishable from the singular, and so they perceive a gap in our pronoun system, which has been filled with a number of informal second-person plural pronouns: yall, you guys, yous guys, you-all, you lot (UK), etc. (Thuh ocean, thuh actor). Questions. thank you again for such a thoughtful response. Maybe thats it. Ive seen talking heads on cable news panels do this ad-nauseum. She played a pregnant workplace harasser in Coastal Training Technologies' "Drop by Drop," which earned CINE's Special Jury Award. I have noticed a new one in speech and texts with 30 yr and younger females The number one ear-bleeding one is shtraight down the shtreet there are theesh trees and a shtop shign. OMG! Alternatively, or also, it could be an attempt to inject artificial emphasis to Every.Single.Word. Or I mean, Im not lyin when I say Hahaha Russell you are SPOT on! Our language is being bastardised for their own purpose, throat fry, non-pronunciation, just being annoying. That said, Boston's local morning guy, Bob Oakes, has a legendarily annoying voice. Uptalk, especially, when talking to a CSR at your bank or other professional organization. I thought it must be a local thing. Feel free to share in the comments! Small talk usually calls for this kind of language unless youre writing a research paper. I have to smile when reading, as I am also of an age, and profession, where language skills, word choice, and vocal delivery are so important. Fly them in and leave them in the outback. I immediately have to fast forward, which defeats the whole purpose of advertising. And please read through the comments for some very interesting insights and observations from other readers. If youve ever heard Jedediah Vila, she does it ALL the time. Food more and more often is being pronounce feud. I cant stand to hear it, like nails on a chalkboard young ladies, please correct yourselves!!! So in the workplace and over the airways, especially on leftist networks the use of ENCOURAGE, SUGGEST and URGE etc etc etc. YAY you found the bu**un I mean Seriously? I mean, everyone has heard plenty of examples of those speech patterns that have made perfectly well-educated college grads (mostly female) sound like Kardashian wannabes. She has received a few emails about her voice from listeners, including one that said she didn't sound certain saying her own name, which she briefly addressed in a Planet Money segment. and radio. Most examples have been covered here. But, these trends are needed- If they didnt happen we would still be saying things like Where Art Thou?. They arent aware of it so I think that means there are no elocution lessons. Wish the tv stations would actually listen to their employeesfemale reporters are the WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glen Washington (Snap Judgment) is so smooth, I also like Gene Demby and Shereen Marisol Meraji (Code Switch). Of all the irritating speech patterns around these days, vocal fry is, for me, the most intolerable. It sounds like cookie cutter script. Finally, the other habit that seems to be spreading is the use of the schwamostly women but not exclusivelyperhaps the thought is that it makes them seem more cultured. The kids immediately say, I cant read cursive. Lets take a selfie of you and I. I guess my question is: is this a recognised speech defect? I hate those words as they sound so false but we all use them. p.s. Im only 40 but I feel like a rambling old person yelling at the TV any time I watch it. At least enough to curb your own use (and maybe the usage by your kids, spouse and/or significant other). And who started everything being super??? Why isnt anyone saying to anymore? I have to wonder if schools still teach sentence diagrams. Just observant. A tragic comment on our times, indeed. Quick, before you faint! I find it so distracting that I dont hear what theyre saying anymore, and thats not good. Speech patterns seem to trend quite quickly. "When you're critiquing a voice, you're saying, 'I don't like the thing that is you on the radio,' " Karen Duffin, a co-host and reporter for Planet Money, told me. This is exactly what Im looking for the name of The inflected list is the most common/overused pattern of speech. Or here in The UK / Ireland, Big Brother, Made in Chelsea to name but a few. The biggest for me, though, is the epidemic vocal fry combined with a high-pitched voice, or sexy baby speak, among the majority of women, and many men now (Ira Glass, Im looking at you). Though, not usually in a professional setting. . Women who speak this way remind me of the ghosts in the movie, The Grudge.. Mark, your comments are very well spoken, and I also consider language and ones command and understanding of it to be a sign of class and proper education. Some of the family members have a better capacity to use words, language & phraseology than others that still use upspeak, vocalfry, text slang & whining. One of the speaking annoyances on NPR is the overuse of surea host may say, how does this policy impact the electorate? and the response will inevitably begin with sure! followed by an actual response to the question. Very annoying. Ive seen it theorized elsewhere that it began as an AAVE regional thing, cant remember which region, that just spread. Society doesnt need to do anything. "You're on the air, not having a conversation with a buddy in a bar. We have come so far with representing what a diverse world we are in the media. People confessing to something or revealing something or letting someone know about how they feel about something is described not as revealed or confessed but so and so opened up about whatever. And then those styles get copied and go viral and pretty soon you hear it everywhere. Grammatical mistakes are less annoying, but still problematic. Thanks for acknowledging this- I dont feel so insane anymore. But if there was a single origin, the West Coast USA seems more likely to me considering the larger population and the amount of film and TV produced there thats consumed internationally. Ummm also people who ummm say ummmm uncontrollably as well as the yeah, no phrase that is everywhere. Im not an imbecile who is unable to follow a connected train if thought! Are they insecure, manipulative, dishonest, sans capacity for original, independent thought???? Like things like like because its just, like, beyond ubiquitous and you already know about it. I find that more often there is not an understanding of why this might be appropriate, especially by my younger students & family members. Is it a geographical thing? If you can even record a sample of it and then create a short little video that you can upload to Youtube so its easy to share the audio, that would be good too. Initially I read your comment as a knock on the Canadian pronunciation of sorry. What about using the words at all, at the end of a sentence. Videos, I get by with closed-caption options, otherwise just NO. If someone speaks in numbered bullet points, such as, Firstly_____, and second then they wish to sound more educated than they are. Basically, many people, young people and more often women, will take a short vowel sound and make it a schwa sound ie. And, like uptalk, it seems to be used predominantly by female speakers. Hello Baz, and thank you so much for being so detailed in your descriptions of your total annoyance with these speech trends. I want the people representing my company to be PROFESSIONAL. This usage of So is incorrect!!! My husband watches CNBC a lot (financial channel) and even listening to various serious commentators and guests you can hear many examples of these patterns. Yeah at the beginning of a question that was not yes-or-no. "When they sit down and open the mic to tell the story, they aren't just hanging on for the ride and hoping that it ends soon. In I Have Some Questions for You, Makkai has carefully crafted a novel that inhabits a strange interstitial space between a whodunit, a crime novel with a few elements plucked from found footage . Its under the The Up-and-Coming Most Annoying Speech Patterns section. Also, I heard earlier on a My Pillow commercial a similar error which I failed to write down. Where did that come from?? Vocal fry. Its as if speakers dont care whether their grammar is correct. "I thought it felt strange to have a voice that did not sound like me reporting on the most powerful people in the world. Many shop assistants think they are being kind referring to me as Sweetheart or Hun. I first noticed it when Joanna Gains talked and now I notice it everywhere. All of this is from one person. Yes, Pattie Parker!! You sound as ignorant as the people youre skewering. OH YES! use of the phrase sort of in each statement you made. Ive had to stop watching MSNBC, because Rachel Maddow lards her hour with the use of right. Worse is Chris Hayes, who doesnt even use right properly! If they come back to me with any further vocal fry, I just repeat the process until they get the message. Yet literally all of my female colleagues get constant criticism for how they speak or sound" He told me, except for two pronunciation corrections, he has never received a complaint about his voice or speaking manner even though, by his assessment, he uses "like" and "um" just as much as the women on the NPR Politics Podcast. He transcribed what she had said, changed the text color of "a few errors" to red, and suggested his own improvements in green brackets. I would agree, that often, any form of critique, even for improvement in future and in business, is often dismissed, misplaced, and scoffed at by a younger generation that has grown up with a trophy for participation for anything they do, and often getting passing grades and remarks to send them on, without actually teaching them how to LEARN and QUESTION things. At work, I am surrounded by intelligent and well-educated women in their 20s to 40s who speak this way. I am particularly by the long, drawn out letter r at the end of a word: culturrrrr. This is such a great article, thank you for pointing out all the stupid add-ins people use that are so annoying to me. It seems that amazing has become the new awesome. Nearly 15 years ago, a previous Public Editor bemoaned the lack of aural diversity on NPR. Politicians and reporters insist on saying Look before spewing a profound statement. As in change the sheets or change a lightbulb. But its also absolutely true. How do these people even get the job? On one news page I saw it used in four different headlines at the same time. An awful conversational bridge. The T-dropping is especially irritating because it sounds like something a very young kid would do and I HATE when adults talk like toddlers. I remember one teenage girl who was working the cash register at a local convenience store. This is only a small portion of the sissification of men that I could rant about but it is the most annoying. NPR= National Propaganda Radio Taxpayers should demand their hard earned dollars not be spent on this Lefty Commie Drivel. It sounds like a popular catch phrase sports people use to show they are a sport person who know what they are talking about. Ek-specially, think-yewwwuh and using individual instead of person are three of my current annoyance triggers. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts on this subject. Now, once in a while I see the dramatic purpose of such a structure, but every dang time, every single dialogue. Person 1: I went to a concert yesterday and it was very entertaining! This is a huge trend on YouTube right now and its quite annoying. I work for a large tech company in the SF Bay Area and I can attest that uptalk, unfortunately, is more pervasive than ever. And I say this from a professional point of view. Listening to NPR is what got this whole thing started a few years back But now these patterns are showing up everywhere. Just because theres a stringor SHTRingof letters composed of an s, t and a nearby r, doesnt mean that English suddenly and surreptitiously morph into German pronunciation. The So at the beginning of every answer to a question, the Vocal Fry, the Upspeak all irritate me beyond all measure. Were they all forced to attend the same course and drilled in this method before earning their hosting gigs? If you ask me again, Id also predict the tide will turn and people who drop these phrases will come out on top in the long run. Another big offender is the reality tv show, e.g. If I could type in this format, it would look something like this. Even if something just happened and I witnessed it with him. ^ That, I hear all the time (Southern California). It was made popular by chef Gordon Ramsden. One will usually do the trick! I find it close to impossible to think that these sounds are solely mimicry. 2% comes from Federal grants from the commerce department otherwise there is no direct federal funding. I am also hearing a and an used incorrectly. Please make it stop. Good English dictates brevity as a virtue; much, is redundant here. ***Follow @JoshVoorhees and the rest of the . Also, ahhhhh, ahhhhhhh when they see a puppy or baby or receive a gift, etc. This is supposed to be pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable: STUdent. Its just laziness (and somehow its become cool to sound lazy or bored). I would be happy to hear the word amazing without the word super in front of it. No problem implies that the Thank you was not needed, because it was the right thing to do. Trying to describe some of these patterns is difficult, so examples would be very helpful! I change channels whenever I hear it. I appreciate its a casual, off the cuff chat with the 2 male hosts (in their late 30s possibly) who are intelligent & one was a teacher in London! Its not cute. Youre totally right. To me, thats like criticising someone who stutters, besides being a tool to stonewall me. 1. Im curious if this is a West Coast thing with the under 40 set. I call it excessive schwa-ing. I honestly want to slap the crap out of people who super abuse the word super! right? Hansen began acting at age 5, and was a cast member of a TV series on resisting peer pressure at 12. Listing speak! THAT new vaccine, THAT plane crash, THAT police shooting its really getting annoying. My vote for most annoying speech affectation goes to the word to. Pay attention and I promise youll start noticing these patterns in nearly every casual conversation you listen in on. Agreed, Debbie! I often hear young women in their 20-40s, speak in a monotone for a few words and then raise the pitch to a a bit higher monotone level for a few words before ending sentence. I know my rights Im a tax payer!). Its an epidemic among millennial actors, hosts, and cable news panelists/contributors. Then there is the over use of the word Like & So For example, mou- uhn, instead of moun-tain. The first example makes full-grown adults sound like a toddler who cant yet say his/her ts.. Simply put, the standards for on-air positions were much higher when I entered the workforce: speaking well was imperative, but not nearly as important as having television looks. I dont care where you are from, how heavy your accent is of that area or even if you dont have a higher education, but if you can speak in a way that is commanding (rather than many of the demanding ways people converse now), you can talk about any subject, and I will be interested. (Thats okay, Verla. Simstrom ascribes those criticisms to gender: "I have long had a theory that part of what people take issue with about our show is women speaking authoritatively about science.". Like yourself, Im thinking its a trend. Duffin said she notices if she sounds "too throaty or gravely" while recording. I notice the upspeak and vocal is prevalent mostly among young white females than anything else..but the valspeak..that is pretty universal..especially I find people my age use it as mostly fillers vs pauses when they are gathering their thoughts with like so ya know..I got 5 siblings w an equal balance of male and females and my parents growing up were drove up the wall by our over use of like. After living abroad for over a decade, I noticed in the mid-1990s that, in the workplace, every female in a supervisory position seemed compelled to preface nearly every declarative sentence with, At this time. It was quite ridiculous to hear something like, At this tiiiime, we do not have a vacancy, but wed like to talk to you, so At this tiiime, can you tell me if you could come in at 10:00 on Thursday? It hurts my ears! Its like an italian accent, but not that exactly cuz i can resist the italian english accent, but not this habit my friends do cuz i know theyre not italian. I wonder if its the education system, or perhaps social media or television. We cant ignore our own speech patterns if were going to engage in this sort of discussion. The other tying vote is dropping the t, as stated above or over pronouncing the t to make up for the cur-an, moun-an folk. I was going to ask her if she had a sore throat but decided to be nice and just get the hell out of there as quickly as possible. What is this called? I cant stand when people say I cant even or I just cant with her or some nonsense like that, and they just end it right thereOr when people say YEAH you are with misplaced emphasis. I will change the channel when people speak in this manner, and when I have to put up with an advertisement before a video starts, I will simply repeat over and over to block them out, la la la la la until it is over. Keith Woods, NPR's vice president of newsroom training and diversity, told me that a variety of voices is one way to achieve greater journalistic truth. And whats with the puzzling trend of using a string of question marks for emphasis? Im old, so I can state authoritatively that most on this list of annoying speech habits have been around for a long time, in fact as long as I can remember. I am so happy that I found this website! We dont pronounce the t in soften, of fasten, or glisten. Speaking to NPR's Code Switch on his thoughts, he said, "Without being directly told, people like me learn that our way of speaking isn't professional, and you start to imitate the standard or even hide the distinctive features of your own voice. Loved your video. Ive noticed the inflection is often followed by movement, such as a slight head tilt, nod, hands, or shift of the eyes, presumably as an emphasis. I thought I was being a stodgy Gen Xer in feeling profound contempt for these news pundits on CNN and MSNBC I just keep yelling at my TV: you sound like a moron! Theyre clearly not morons though many are well-educated and very smart but when they say right? and start a sentence with so they sound like idiots. Liana Van Nostrand (@lbvannostrand) is an intern for the Public Editor's office. What is that??? I actually literally sat down. I like to respond: as opposed to figuratively sat down, I suppose. But here is the one trend that makes every cell in my body burst: It is when (perhaps two trends, but related), for example, a writer or announcer will state there are two reasons for situation X. the first is Y. Super everything Super excited because its super boring and Im tired of being super disappointed. I thought that I was the only person who had picked up on the stuDENT pronunciation. Amongst a lot of youre vocabulary mistakes is one that makes me sick, the yank way of saying, mirror, they say Mirrrrr. I can focus and absorb what they are saying so much more easily. Where Youre welcome implies that you went out of your way and accept their thanks as your praise. Correspondent Carrie Johnson came to NPR in 2010, after a long career in print. Five lines from the bottom, auto correct changed Sanskrit to sandscript. Sanders wishes listeners would be less reactionary and more open when they hear voices they find unfamiliar or even unpleasant. I stand self-corrected. Further, it seems that engaging in these practices seems to indicate a greater authenticity for Gen Z and Millennials. Or is it gender? I agree with all the comments. "I think of Ira Glass as the king of vocal fry," she said. I m hearing the phrases theres no doubt about it and theres no question about it and the variations: no doubt about it, no doubt, no question about it, and no question. The ingredients were super fresh and it tasted super amazing!, The car we bought drives super fast! a. period. !, WAIT-aahh. Is there not an audio producer charged with asking the reporters to speak with more maturity and confidence? Would you please counsel ME on it? Sauvignon Sauv in- yoh (silent n) not Sauv in- yawn. 4. So is a completely disingenuous and idiot transfer. Look at any Hugh Grant movie, and youll see. e.g. My aversion to imbecile-generated sounds has made me reconsider certain career paths. In the series Heartland, it is practically half of the dialog. Seems our country (or generation) is being overrun with these ridiculous patterns! This past year has seemed a bit empty at times when social isolation has become the new normal. He recently tweeted, "I've said this before, I'll say it again. Drives me nuts! Yet many here dont seem to question their own speech patterns or prejudices. A year ago I started a list of new words and phrases starting to appear in last 20 years. Watch ANY interview with a woman and they do this. I also dislike the replacement of youre welcome with no problem when told thank you. When I purchase something from an employee, or tell someone thank you, Im not needing assurance that Im not a problem. You paying attention? There are so many of these annoying speech patterns and they are contagious. A lazy speech habit that grates on my nerves is the use of Also too. And their voices reflect indelible features of their backgrounds where they're from and the voices they grew up with. "You have an opportunity as a listener to expand your worldview by hearing all different types of voices," Sanders said. 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npr voices annoying