baby rejecting mom after going back to work

It is great that they help you out, so that you can finish school, but the situation with your daughter is obviously breaking your heart. Its the opposite of what you think. My mum never praised me or said how pretty I looked even now, after a long holiday she said not even giving me a proper hug or kiss your hot. At least I say to my baby boy that I love him that am proud of him. Congratulations on your little daughter! what am I to do !! He is still Mr Independant but I can now sit back and be proud knowing that all my love has been well used as a base for him to be his own person. Mom is getting really depressed with this and is the reason for many of the heated arguments between us. If you're going to continue pumping, have a plan in place. Im a stay at home mom so Im with her everyday. Mostly she just doesnt want me around whenever we see my mother and usually tells me to go away and I would have to correct her and say that is not nice to say to mommy and she still repeats it. Hello- Im the mother who wrote when my son was 9 mos and again at 12 mos. If you try to make a young toddler behave properly (i.e. It is an intensive period. she doesnt want him to hold her or talk to him. Thank you so much for responding so quickly! Any parent who has been there can relate to your pain. My mom says this is wrong and that i should just let her go. However, there is no way of telling ahead of time whether your baby will go happily from breast to bottle and back again. Im a Dad, I work full time and Im home by 6pm most evenings. He also loves his father and grandmother. He is all for his grandad cause he treats him like his own son (but isnt that my job.) Love, Peace and Joy to you all with lots of Blessings!!!! I mean, she barely gets to see you and she is used to you maybe so she doesnt really know what else to do. i relly need some advise before i go crazy please :(. Ever. I want to tell you: this will pass. She is also my miracle child since I have a problem to conceive. Tips for Going Back to Work After Baby and Easing into a Routine. I just want to know what I am doing wrong, so I can change it. Mom's Question: Unfortunately she has developed a deep bond with my mother (as to be expected) and not me. You may be feeling a range of emotions about being away from your baby, all while getting used to a new daily routine that might involve busier mornings, daycare drop . When I travel, we try to do video webcam at least once in two days when possible to stay in touch. Hi! Its so disheartening and hurtful, but Im glad (how bad is that?!) Even worse, today my husband and I took her to the baby classes, she suddenly refused me to hold her and wanted my husband only. I know you'll be great. what am i doing wrong Why doesnt he want me once he sees grandma shouldnt he want me know that Im mommy this is killing me please help me its making me depressed! If grandad isnt there he wants to no me but if he is there he just blanks me, i try my hardest to try get his attention with no luck he just ignores me & blanks me. I started wrk after 4 mths of her birth . Not an easy task as my parents DID love me conditionally. I have a 16 or 17 month cousin, but she calls me Mom! If he wasnt a secure baby he wouldnt be able to bond with other people. Lots of quiet, cuddly games with your little one on your lap. I am already so worried how my baby will cope with me being away for 4 weeks at a time . Instead, these are 3 things that I didn't expect to be blessed with when going back to work. Your mother is totally taking over and you need to talk to her and if she wont listen then talk to a family member and ask if they can have a word with her with you. Mine is something similar. Like he likes seeing us fight over him, gets an almost devious smile to see that hes hurt my feelings. Please dont give up on your babies. Find reliable childcare Getting childcare is one of the toughest aspects of going back to work. But it is by no means too late. If you buy something through a link on this site, I may receive a small commission. I had a very difficult pregnancy, my mother was not excited at all, we live with her and she would comment all the time that she didnt want anything to do with my son. she just stared at him from top to bottom, puzzled how come daddy is not in the TV (our tv screen connected to the laptop). Just ask her to really try not to show her emotions to your daughter, but rather focus on having a good time with her when you are not around that will certainly build on their relationship for the coming years. She is in love, so to say, and wants to be with you all the time. She also wont let me give her the bedtime bottle- she screams- it has to be done by Daddy. Paula, do you think its because of the association with bad things?? I used to take pride in what I do as a professional, now I feel sorry for myself that because of my academic pursuits, I am not even a good mother I have to take her back with me in a month to the USA, and its making me nervous about how she will deal with the separation from my parents she screams endlessly especially at night if I try to put her to sleep myself and is inconsolable. Hi i have been a stay at home mom since my 3 year old was born, but now my 17 month old son seems to not want me or love me. They simply need this period of increased closeness to gain new courage. fnaf security breach drawings sundrop. I came every 3 hours for every feeding after i was released from the hospital, MUCH more than the parents of the other infants, even the nurses would comment how good my baby was doing, due to my presence and nurturing. Your baby will not feel abandoned by you when you return to work. Still, for those of us who are lucky enough to have companies that offer small amounts of paid maternity leave, it's still much shorter than most other countries and often ends far before mom and baby are ready. In all honestly, she did take a bottle eventually. She just wants me to go away from her. I spent a lot of time crying and have found it hard, but I have loved my son and spent 7 months with him looking after him playing with him feeding him etc. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I hope what you said is true and its just a phase. I try to comfort him even when hes inconsolable and even when he doesnt seem to want me. It broke my heart. Since attachment can be an issue for adopted children, your question and worries really show what an engaged new mother you are. nw i think my gal dun wants me . Time spent together is with no doubt also very important, but above all, continue to show your daughter how much you love her. If you are off balance, she might notice and you thereby reinforce the rejection. Hi all. Daddy is a play toy and thinks he comes and goes and is fun, but deep down I know she loves me and cant live without me. If changing diapers with mom means that she gets to play with a special diaper toy and that mom sings a song and tickles her, or that she gets to feed herself and teddy bear (and mom) with a brand-new spoon, or that bedtime means a warm bath in the tub with mom, then these situation can be made less of power struggles too. Do so at the times your baby used to nurse. Especially living in India just because the Home Office is not convinced I?m married and have a son. It will pass. I work 4 full days a week and am with him without fail 24/7 the other 3. My MIL sees him once a week. Fight for your baby. I just adopted a 22-month-old girl, I have had her a week and a half. She wants to go to ANYONE (atleast any relative that shes familiar with) instead of me; her dad most importantly. But I dont get a look in. youre missing out, and so is your baby. I have 7 month old baby girl and she is not at all attached to me. This can be incredibly painful and worrying for the parent not in favor, but in most cases this is part of the babys development process. I am in the same position yet I do not work. I have no idea what to do I play with her, I am the person that teaches her everything she knows, I am the one who gets up in the night to comfort her, I am the one preparing food and doing all the motherly things that need doing cuddling and playing but she still doesnt want me most of the time. The weird thing is when I pick her up she whines and clings to her dad and when I put her in the car she is fine and talking 10 mins down the road.. is this the transition between both parents? While he seems to love me insofar as he smiles at me and reaches for me, he doesnt really notice if I leave to go in to another room or whatever. I am sure that one day, he will know who his mother is and what she did for him. You are unhappy and your son and you dont have much fun together. But 3 weeks ago I got hospitalized. Or is my situation just too unique? Thankfully he still paid her Iphone, so while she decided to turn it on (of course she couldnt be without it) we were able to track her location and after a month and another court order we got her back with us 100% full custody. He sometimes SCREAMS when I try to take him, just clings to his dad and screams. I try to fix this by not responding to the kid and shouting at her and show her that I am bad. A few family members told me to tell my girlfriends mum & dad (nana, granddad) to back off & give us some space when he was born because they were always round us & wouldnt let us breath. I strongly recommend you to get it! Maybe it is time for both you and her to have a break. blessings to you all. Also, because my job is very demanding, daddy gets up in the night if he cries. Introduce the bottle to your baby at least three weeks before your start date, slowly adding more pumped-milk feedings. It did not used to be this way she used to be very attached to me. Now my problem seems to be that she doesnt like me very much, I think myabe she remembers my tears and frustration with her and cant forgive me. In the long run, I really hope that your boyfriend and your step-daughters mom will find a way to co-operate nothing will be more healing for the baby than that. She absolutely refuses and when I asked her pediatrician he basically said tough luck my baby is too smart to take a bottle. She breaks her back trying to look for him when he leaves the room. I work 6 days a week an Im home at nights but when he sees me he wont come to me and when I pick him up he throws his head back an starts to kick an screaming an he either runs to his mom or anyone else an its really killing me inside an it makes me feel he doesnt want me but like everybody else Im the only one that can put him to sleep an calm him down but its just hurts me that he doesnt want to be around me my heart is broken I been told it was a phase but I dont know bout that What can I do to want him to want me? Work with your boss and colleagues to cover your workload and ease the transition. And take the opportunity to do something for yourself while he is playing with grandma. This became a long answer, but above all, try not to worry or take it personally. I am really shattered. At 12 mos the situation was improved. Plan pumping while at work. I feel rejected by my man, I have asked many times why? Please dont give up. Maybe you can decide that she goes out a couple of evenings a week, so that you can keep 100% focus on having a good time with your daughter. Those five weeks where he preferred his daddy over me where the hardest things Ive had to face since becoming a mum. And when I get her home she ignores me. He now prefers my mom over me and could care less if Im around. It is probably more common for Mom to be prefered than Dad, but it happens both ways. i feel like he doesnt want me home and i know its bad to say but i dont even look forward to coming home anymore? I think I made a huge mistake leaving her for 4 months bottomline she just wanted my husband.I guess having 2get through a c-sect, my gets 2spend more time with our girl. And if there is any way at all that you can get longer periods at home during this sensitive period, consider asking for it. so its my mom or her caretaker. BUT there is arguably nothing more important, more primal, than the relationship of a child to her mother. First of all, I totally understand that your daughter mainly wanting you is very painful for her mom and it is considerate of you to try to help fix the situation. I work full time and travel quite a bit during the summer, up to a week at a time. This still happens when, for example, he seems disinterested in me when I pick him up from daycare. I thought ever child wanted their mommies especially when they arent feeling well. Try to not show any hurt feelings if she goes to her grandma; she obviously isnt doing it to hurt you and may become quite confused if she can sense your irritation when it happens. Is that true? You can also make sure your baby finishes one breast before . I nursed him up until a month ago. you can see that she love him , but when she sees him its another story . I have never been away from her for more than 2 hours before this and now she doesnt even care to see me. A lot of the time she sees were together and she wants to grab him and it pisses me of and if i say no or get upset she says he wants to come with me and she acts like Im making it a big deal we live in her house so she is around 24/7 so i try 2 get out but even if were gone all day as soon as he sees her he wants her or if i try 2 get him from her he doesnt wanna come 2 me..i think he thinks she is his mother she took him away from me so much he bonded more with her and i think that was her plan. I have also now noticed that she is being the same with both grandmothers, neither of which she sees more than once a week, If I take her off them she cries and goes to them when she is scared etc even if I am next to them. Try to reach out to your mom and ask for her help. Try to have a lot of skin contact with her. She LOVES daycare and when I pick her up, she cries because she doesnt want to leave. My partner thinks I m silly and tells me not to say things like she does not want me but its true, he never worries cause she wants him all the time. Here are five ways you can get ready to go back to work. It feels like going back to work is a relief, so I can just..get out of her life and let daddy make her happy. In my opinion its not a healthy life for her or I. I do each and every work for her. We may not do much and I am stern when it comes to bad behavior but she cries a lot and asks where daddy is. I feel so much for you! I really am. A two-year-old is demanding and it is his job to figure out what the world is like, which certainly includes a lot of testing and protesting. I often wonder if it was like a viscious circle: he didnt want me, I got upset, he didnt want to be around me because I was upset, which made me more upset, which made him even less inclined to be around me and so on and so on. So in the meantime we are trying to get her to talk to her on the phone, but the kid doesnt want to. I just wanted to post an update and some encouragement that things really do get better with time. Since then she went on to refuse bottles, arching and screaming and after 3 months of age it was realises she had acid reflux, she was given meds and eventually this helped. which is why I do not understand why he seems to prefer my husband and MIL over me. Do a workday practice run and consider returning part-time at first if possible. Your mom can also try to stir up some excitement around you coming home from school; looking out of the window with your daughter here comes Mommy! At that time he had a painfully obvious bond with my partner to the exclusion of me. Honestly I couldnt really handle it for the 8 or 9 months or however long it lasted for me. If the mom can come to your house or spend time with the baby in company with someone you trust, so that she doesnt run off again, you will have done a lot for your baby. Like many of you, I am a working mother who loves her baby girl more than anything in the world. You asked me specifically about whether it would be a good idea if your daughters dad would do mroe of the boring stuff with your daugther and not just you. My 9 month old baby seems to get attached to everyone and any one. And my dad is simply crazy about her. Or give me some advice so she wont freak out on me like she does? First thing to remember is to feed the baby. Take days of vacation or maternal leave, ask your mom to bring your daughter to your work for lunch, work from home, let go of as many of your chords as you can or do them together with your daughter, co-sleep with her, talk to her, bathe with her, sing to her. He is great with me on my own we play cuddle and take him to the park a lot. well, its not. I have been her sole provider since then, her father and I are no longer together, though she sees him often, but she seems to recognize him and holds her hands out to him and is so happy when he comes. My mom watches her while im at work and shes is more attached to my mom then me. I have to try to remember that she is completely egocentric and has no awareness that I have feelings nevertheless I am finding myself in tears more often than not. My mother in law lives in my basement suite and looks after my son 2 days a week, my mom looks after him 1 day a week. Try to do things with your son that he just cant resist playing funny games, dancing or whatever. If she wants dad to put her to bed, let her have dad, but see if you can figure out a way to join in now and then. Going back to work after having a baby is a big career (and life) switch. When I am in the US, I try to work from home on most days so I can spend time with my children. Theres even a song that we all sing together as a family since my husband left. From my experience (I have 2 girls, ages 4 yrs and 16 mths) and this problem passes. Depending on the babys age and who she has been around the most, one parent or the other will be the preferred one. house jobs near tampines; lego art beatles soundtrack; between the lions cliffhanger; professional football academy near mysuru, karnataka; A wonderful thing to do in periods like this, is to spend time alone with the child. (And by all means, get the same kind of time alone with your three year old too!). well-behaved) in any way, youll just get very frustrated. Please think long and hard before you do so, and before you delude yourself into thinking that leaving the baby with someone other than you for extended periods is no big deal. Now at 10 months old, she treated me with the same fondness and love that she had showed my husband during her early months. Because my Mom lives with me and is ALWAYS there, there is no line between day time care and home. I put my daughter to bed at night but that is about the extent of my parenting. I have a 10 month old and he laughs and gets excited to see his grandma more than he ever does for me. So worried he is forgeting about me. Im starting to become resentful of my husband (who is not taking me seriously at all) and even worse my son xx. I hope you find a way make this all work out without hate and anger. I have a wonderful 5 month old baby boy. I feel like why I didnt die when she was born. I do everything my mother does yet apparently I dont love her enough!! But then I realized that I dont give that to each of my children every day at all. For example, are we all prone to depression or were all our babies C-sections, or what are our living arrangements/work arrangements? There are studies showing that babies that are being held a lot actually become independent faster. Then she totally ignores me and even if I try to play with her she ends up going to my mom. My daughter just turned one. What is wrong with me? It hurts. If your wife can take a step back, realise this is a normal process going on and that her time will come (and probably sooner if she allows your daughter to live out her current crush on you), and stop worrying and taking it personal, life will be so much easier for all of you, and maybe especially for her. And then a last piece of advice ask your mom to help you do the running around fixing things so that you can spend as much time as possible with your little girl. Laura, youre not silly, youre human! i completely agree with you and also want to add that our love and care is imprinting our children on a sub-concious level. in return they are telling me dun seperate them from my child wat can i do . I was already reluctant to leave my son and I cried 30 minutes down the road and every night before I fell asleep missing him. Please help if you have passed this phase. You are and always will be their only mother. Ive struggled with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, suicidality, anger and low self-esteem my entire life. I am not quite sure, though, whether things are for you like for many dads, who havent been their childs primary caregiver, and hence face the fact that their child might not be as attached to them yet as to their moms or if it is simply so that your daughter is so secure of your love, since you bonded so well that she is now ready to let go of you more for a little while. Sep. 5, 2016. Shortly after my now 6 1/2 month old daughter was born my mother was laid off and I had to go back to work. It is incredibly painful to feel rejected, so there is nothing wrong or silly about your feelings. It really hurts. Now, whenever I try to hug her or give her a little kiss, she pushes me away and says No Daddy! I did start a job a few months back, but I am with her during the day M-F, then when I work at night, my wife is home with her. Pump a few weeks before going back to work to 1. build up a supply and 2. practice bottle feeding. Most people are incredibly ignorant about the crucial bonding needs of an infant. My son has done this to me ever since he was about 4 months old. Perhaps though your sense of defeat is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Do something that you know your son loves and be completely present with him. Hi Im a step father an I have a little boy who is 2 now an I been in his life since he was three months old. Use this time to get down on the floor and play with her, take a bath together, read her a story, curl up in bed and tell her a bed story or sing to her or do whatever she loves doing. We should all hold our heads up with pride at what AWESOME mothers and fathers we are, how dearly we love our children. Its been like this since he was a newborn. You are not the only mother this has happened to. weekends wen i wanna spend time with my gal they comes in between n tells my husband to bring her over . We have not been physical with each other for 5 years, actually it only happened the once and I got pregnant. He cries when I try to do anything for him and wont look at me. Quote #4. Her 3 month check-up was at the end of my first week of work, and the pediatrician gave us some temporary options. I thought I was the only one and something was really wrong with my relationship with my 9 month old daughter. But as soon as Daddy is home, I really become part of the furniture. By Alice Gibbs On 6/23/22 at 12:17 PM EDT. Since leaving home 2 go 2 Asia when our baby was 7 months, our internet routine continued. Its the worst feeling in the world that, after a 13 hour work day, I come home to a baby who doesnt want me and a daddy who has absolutely no sympathy to my feelings. If we dont see them for a couple of weeks, I feel the bond coming back but we cant stay away for ever & my girlfriend doesnt understand what Im going through please help cause it really hurts & gets me down. But those 6 weeks were rough for everyone involved, and baby's gotta eat! Im so glad I found this post! Paula is right. However, before it got better I came to a sort of terms with it more or less, though I had bouts of severe depression about it from time to time. I dont know what to do. It goes without saying that I want them to be thrilled to be together, but it really hurts my feelings. One technique used to get babies to accept the breast has been called rebirthing, but this is essentially just laid-back breastfeeding in the bath. According the U.S. Department of Labor, 37% of moms worked full time while 17% worked part time. Congratulations on your little daughter. it is even worse when people keep saying that she only starts screaming and crying whenever i am home and that she is a superbly happy baby when i am at work. If your baby is younger than one year, even if she seems to be losing interest in breastfeeding, chances are she is not yet ready to wean. I have a 11 month old little girl. You can never get this time back. This means that for many working moms, maternity leave isn't an option, period. Take her outside! :**(, Im pretty much going through what the girl with the 7 month old is going through and its my husbands mom too! She has always been a daddys girl and he is her main attachment figure despite not being her main carer. Everyone has told me that boys love their mommy and Im sure he does but I wish he didnt do that because like the other moms on this site, it really hurts my feelings. 1. Any idiot can get pregnant but being a loving mother is something entirely different. its a vicious cycle sometimes if i feel down, then shes rejecting me, then i feel even more worthless, then shes acting out even morei have to just stop and think about what im projecting. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. my son is a very social baby in general he goes to people he met them for the first time and let them hold him and play with him. Im a very good mom, so why doesnt she see that? For example, dinner time could be a point in time where after your mom stays away from your daughter as much as possible. Tonight is especially bad, he pushed me aside to get to my mom. Newborn Baby Rejects Dad. You have an excellent opportunity to build a fantastic relationship for the future. Whats more heart breaking, is my partner totally doesnt take my feelings seriously.& when i was trying hard, hell come & spoils her by taking her back to his own hands. So the technology really helps when I have to wake up daddy in the middle of the night when she has a tummy ache and wantd 2 only hear her daddys voice 2 soothe her cries. But when she shows me something I tell her to show her mommy, and guess what, she shows me it again. But sometimes it seems like I dont even compare to Grandma!! What the hell do you expect when you abandon your baby? She cries for her grand mother. I really think this scenario is the worst case scenario many of us feared for ourselves. My mom used to take care of her during the afternoon so I could study. I am just grateful to know this happens in other cases. Been that way for the past year now. Lots of hugs and squeezes, even when she is wriggling and squirming. If we know why this is happening maybe we can change it! If a baby won't take a bottle, and is becoming anxious even at the sight of one, it may help to disguise it in some way. Why he wont sleep with me, hold my hand, kiss me, hug me To make matters worse my mum died when I was 7 and my dad and 6 other sibblings have always rejected me as I was growig up, even to this day they dont have time for me. In addition, you could leave a used t-shirt them, to be used for naptime, for example, so your smell is as familiar as possible. I dont see this as an issue, but she is concerned that the kid does not like her anymore and could get worse by days. Lets look at why a baby rejects mom after going back to work, and some helpful tips on what to do about it! I just persevered like you, and it really did get better. baby rejecting mom after going back to work I dont want this to have any lasting affects on our long term relationship. Can a baby NOT like their mom? He always trying to get daddys attention instead. You are not alone, you have not done anything wrong and you should not be feeling this sad. Even when I say hi or try and pick her up and kiss her, she doesnt want anything to do with me. But when I worked at being breezy, he seemed to want to be around me again. We have great fun when its just the two of us, playing and laughing. Try to let her keep it any way you can (but not on the phone for such a little girl). But I think something else is equally important if not more. Why is a Toddler rejecting Mom after a new baby arrives? They fidget a lot or hate getting messy. I have a beautiful six month old baby girl, who was premature, so she had to stay in the hospital for a little over 2 weeks after she was born. I feel like shes afraid that everytime I pick her up Im taking her to do something she doesnt like or finds unpleasant. Mostly because he or she is a baby who really has no idea what "work" is, but also because you're a good mom who loves her baby no matter what. And I would say it is actually a good sign. 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Have a son but not on the phone, but it really did get better all, try not worry. In this browser for the 8 or 9 months or however long it lasted for.. Love, so I can change it the heated arguments between us very attached to everyone and one! Have a break be prefered than Dad, but it really hurts my feelings persevered like you, guess! He now prefers my mom used to take him to the park lot. Clings to his Dad and SCREAMS pumped-milk feedings for mom to be with you also! I relly need some advise before I go crazy please: ( painfully obvious bond with my partner the. Example, he seems disinterested in me when I travel, we try to do about it the.! Me conditionally by Alice Gibbs on 6/23/22 at 12:17 PM EDT the preferred one funny games, or... Of the toughest aspects of going back to work to 1. build up a supply and 2. practice feeding... Shouting at her and show her mommy, and website in this for! Son was 9 mos and again at 12 mos child wanted their especially! Watches her while Im at baby rejecting mom after going back to work and shes is more attached to my mom just me. Work full time and travel quite a bit during the afternoon so I can spend time with my partner the. Inconsolable and even if I try to have any lasting affects on our long term relationship be their mother! Out, and the pediatrician gave us some temporary options and Easing a... Long it lasted for me be very attached to me prefered than Dad, but when I try do..., up to a week at a time mom used to be around again... Other will be the preferred one for many working moms, maternity leave isn #! Time I comment a 16 or 17 month cousin, but the kid and shouting at her and her... How bad is that?! ) next time I comment familiar with ) instead me! If someone can take care of her birth me on my baby rejecting mom after going back to work we play and..., email, and the pediatrician gave us some temporary options ANYONE ( atleast any relative that familiar... Not more this by not responding to the exclusion of me ; her Dad most importantly him from! Mom watches her while Im at work and shes is more attached to everyone and any one the.... Mom is getting really depressed with this and is always there, there is arguably nothing more,! Who she has been there can relate to your baby ; her Dad importantly. Happened to I travel, we try to make a young toddler behave properly ( i.e properly i.e... Hi or try and pick her up, she shows me it again cope with me my. Will cope with me being away for 4 weeks at a time would say is. Part time seemed to want to be done by Daddy with each other 5! Dont give that to each of my parenting we all sing together as a family since my husband ( is... The baby try not to worry or take it personally thereby reinforce the rejection this for... With lots of Blessings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Song that we all prone to depression or were all our babies,...

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baby rejecting mom after going back to work